Everyone ok?

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Jason's P.O.V

When we got to the house we went pale again. We felt all the heat coming from the house.Then we saw two thing we did not want to see...

Smoke and fire coming from our house... "No...It can't be." Ty said hoping this was not true. "A-Adam." was all Ty could say. And I knew why. Adam was like his big brother. He always looked out for him at school and here.

We all ran towards the house and we saw all of the guys there. But Mitch, he was in bad shape. He had a blood mark on his shirt with a arrow too. We ran towards the guys and asked what happened.

Adam's P.O.V

One minute we where watching Tv next thing I know we are all fighting people we don't know! Mitch was hurt, but he was fighting like a pro! We where doing this to protect Jason and Marisol.

"Adam we need to get out now!" Ian yelled. "Ok! COME ON TEAM LETS FLEE!" I follow Ian's orders. One because he was in the Military and, Two he knows what he is doing.

At that moment we herd something explode. And a couple seconds later the house was on fire! Mitch was so weak we had to carry him out. He had lost blood.

When we got out we saw Jason, Ty, Seto, and Marisol she was passed out in Jason's arms. They ran towards us as Jerome took the arrow out of Mitch's side.Ripped a part of his shirt and rapped it around him to stop the bleeding.

"What happened?" Jason asked. "These people wanted Marisol to get revenge from you, Then someone shot Mitch in the side-" I said then Mitch interrupted. "I'm is so much pain! Go on without me!"

And he fell to the floor we laughed at him then Jerome being Jerome kicked him on his... place where he should not be kicked."That is not funny." Mitch said in pain.

"Ok? Oh then we told Marisol to run into the forest. We started to fight the house caught on fire and now this." I finished. Then Marisol started to wake up. "Marisol?" Jason said with tears in his eyes.

Marisol's P.O.V

I started to wake up to people talking then, I herd the voice I have been wanting to hear since I passed out."Marisol?" yup it was Jason.

"Yea? What's wrong and what happened?"

-time skip after explaining what happened-

Ok so that explains everything. "The guys where talking while Seto healed Mitch from that arrow. "Uh... Jason where are we going to stay tonight we have no house to stay in?" I said then looked up at the dark sky.

"I-I don't know, Guys?" he said turning to the boys that where on the floor in a dog pile. "You could stay at my place it was about as big as your house." Seto said. "Are you sure? We won't be intruding?" Jason said.

"It's fine I need company anyways. It's lonely in the woods." As we walked to Seto's house I wondered why those people wanted revenge from Jason?

"Here we are. This is the house." I looked up and it was like the team crafted house. "And you stay here alone?" I asked "Yea, Well I'm going to bed, choose what ever room you want but the one with black, grey,red, and purple colors on the door is mine."

I got a room with Jason. I did not want to sleep alone I wanted to sleep with my big brother. Then I slowly drifted of to sleep.


Ok so how was this one?

Mitch: I don't know?

Jason: It was good


Me: O.O... Ok? I did not ask you guys I asked the readers. AND YOU ALL KNOW I DONT LIKE YOU INTERRUPTING!!

All the boys: we know...

Ok well anyways thanks for reading my so called book. Thanks if you are still reading my so called book. And see you later Wolfs. IM OUT!!


I'm Who's Little Sister! ( Minecraftuniverse FF )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz