Chapter 3: The Remnant Reaction.

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~3rd POV~

It's been a few days since the assassination of the Lieutenant. News of the assassination has brought a huge concern to many people but mostly to the White Fang, the council of the Kingdoms, Ironwood, and Ozpin.

Location: Beacon Academy

Ozpin had heard reports of an assassination of a White Fang Lieutenant and needless to say, it brought the attention of himself and General Ironwood. Ozpin didn't know if the assassin was part of an unknown faction and just another bounty hunter.

"This Lisa Lavender, reporting in on VVN Live. An assassination attempt of a high ranking White Fang member or as the White Fang Terrorists call him, "Lieutenant", and it had been reported that only the Lieutenant has been assassinated. When the police arrived at the docks, all of the White Fang there all surrendered out of fear of getting, and I quote from the reason why they all surrendered, "Getting there heads blown off." Here's a footage of interrogation with one of the White Fang Terrorists now." She said Lisa Lavender as the screen shows the footage of an interrogation room.

"What happened?"

"We were planning on a dust heist. The Lieutenant was briefing me and rest of us on the mission and suddenly, the Lieutenant's head was blown off by a bullet that pierced right through his aura like a stack of fucking butter!" The White Fang said with fear as he fearfully remembered what happened at the docks.

"A bullet that pierces aura, eh?" Interrogator said with skepticism.

"Yes! I saw it with my own fucking eyes! This bullet isn't just an ordinary dust bullet! It's something else entirely!" The White Fang exclaimed in pure fear as he was shaking and becoming a bit more crazy with fear.

"Sir. Calm down." Said one of the police officers.

"Don't tell to calm down!! That bastard is going to blow my fucking head off!" The White Fang Terrorist screamed in fear as he was trying to get out.

"Restrain him!" Said the interrogator as the WF member tried to escape the interrogation room, only to be forced on the ground while being restrained.

"Let me go!! I don't wanna fucking die!!" White Fang Terrorist screamed with pure fear as he was crazy with fear.

The screen then switches to Lisa Lavender as she said "It would seem that the White Fang Terrorist has claimed that the bullet used to assassinate the Lieutenant can pierce through the aura. Many people, however, claim that aura piercing bullets are the work of Atlas. To the surprise of many, the higher-ups from Atlas have denied this which caused many to be confused since Atlas is known for it's best military and advanced technology. This has sparked the interest and concern of the council. It would seem that a new group has entered the fray. Stay tuned for further development." The news as the headmaster of Beacon sighs

Knowing it's probably unknown group, Ozpin grew concerned over the unknown group's possession of aura piercing weapons. He decided to send Qrow to investigate this unknown group. Also, there was this one report of a village being attacked by the White Fang. Ozpin sent a team of Huntsmen and Huntresses to defend the village.

When the team got back, they told Ozpin that the village was empty as they were only a lot of dead White Fang members. They then showed him pictures of what's left of the village and what's left of the White Fang forces there. To Ozpin and the team that went to the village, it was a horrifying sight.

Blood everywhere, some headless corpses which also made the team of hunters become sick, burnt bodies, some huge holes on dead WF corpses, and corpses of dead blindfolded WF members against a wall that appeared to be executed.

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