Chapter 23

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Ava's POV

I wake up and I see Braedon who was about to leave. "Braedon, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Derek heard that I was on a mission to find Kate and he invited me to stay here until I get Kate back to the Calaveras." She said leaving out the fact that Derek is losing his powers. 

"Now tell me what's really going on with Derek and why you're here?" I asked. "Derek hired me to track down Kate and to find out how he's losing his powers. Don't tell him I told you, but he do not want you to be mad at him. He don't want to lose you again." Braedon said. 

"Go on. He'll have to tell me eventually. He's just a big softy who doesn't want to lose me  to anyone else. I get that. He should just tell me that he was losing his powers though." I said. "Sometime people are afraid of things they love to lose them." Braedon said. 

I got a call about Scott biting Liam. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me! I'll see you sometime again Braedon." I said. "Sometime." Braedon said. I go to Derek and I kiss him on his cheek. "I got to get to school. Love you." I said. 

I leave the penthouse to go to school with the feeding tube in my nose and the bag on my back. My books in my hands. "How'd you know my step-father?" Liam said. "Well when your there for most of your life, you get noticed by everyone. Especially for someone who healed over night." I said.  

"I don't know what your talking about." Liam said. "I think you exactly know what I'm talking about." I said glowing my eyes. "Luna!" Scott yelled quietly. "He should know not to mess with my human Scott." Luna said. "He was just turned. Give him a break. While you should heal Ava. I don't want her to die with twins." Scott said. "Good luck. There's a full moon tonight Scott. Just wanna give you a heads up. Never easier for a beta out there with hunters." Luna said. 

By tonight the gang goes to Lydia's lake house. "Hey Scott!" I asked. "Yeah." Scott asked. "What did Luna say to Liam?" I asked. "Don't. Don't hurt yourself. Luna takes over. You have no control over her." Scott said.

"I should have control over Luna. She's been inside me for awhile." I said. Liam arrives with Kira. "I'm gonna go lay down upstairs. Call when you need Luna. She'll be glad to help any of you folks." I said. "She will?" Malia asked. "Yes. She hates it when I'm upset and she hates how Derek gets mad at her. So she'll help." I said.

'You officially hate me' Luna said. I laugh. I go upstairs. "Oh mom says for you to get some air instead of being in the house. She saw you burned her mattress." Lydia said. "I can't control Luna when my children are growing continuously inside me." I said. "Whose Luna?" Liam asked. 

"She's the moon spirit that lives inside Ava." Lydia said. "So that was her? That spoke to me at school." Liam said. "She's been like that to everyone since the children grew inside Ava's tomb." Stiles said. 

Luna stepped outside of Ava. "Will all of you quit it? You'll making me look like a brat. I'm not a brat." Luna said. "You've been one all day." Scott and everyone nodded. "I have to share a body with children and soon to be mother. What do you expect from me?" Luna said. 

 "Well for you to be kind, like you were to everyone." I said. "Stay out of it mumzy." Luna said regretting her words. 

Thanks for the 1.4k reads. It's more than Deaf. Ah! I feel proud of myself. Anyways carry on.

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