Chapter 29

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I wake up to see that I am in the hospital again. I look around some more to see Derek holding Ryan. "Whe...Where's Riley?" I asked. "She had a seizure. Ryan held her hand and she just stopped having a seizure." Derek said.

"May I hold him?" I said. "Ava you just passed out and your asking to hold our son Ryan." Derek said. I just looked at him. "I'll get the doctor." Derek said. Derek comes back with the doctor. "How do you feel Ms Lahey?" She asked.

"I feel energetic." I said. She got out the scope. "Follow my finger." She said. I did as I was told. "Take it easy for a couple days. You got a couple broken ribs. You need to eat." She said. I smiled a little and she left.

Derek handed me Ryan. "He's so a mama's boy." I said. "Well Riley is definitely a daddies girl." Derek said looking at Ryan. Someone knocks on the door as they came in. Scott, Kira, Lydia, and Stiles came in my room. "Are you missing this little one?" Scott asked.

"Where was she?" I asked. "The doctor gave the okay. She didn't have enough nutrients. They will want her to come in two months to see how she is doing." Scott said. I smiled. "Let me hold her." I said. I hand Ryan to Derek. She opened her eyes. I chuckle some tears. "We always fight our demons little one. Even if it means kicking a little ass sometimes." I whispered as everyone heard.

She cooed. "You both seem hungry. Well once you both feed I shall tell you both a story about a Queen who fought her demons." I said.

"Once upon a time there was this Queen who had magical powers for the greater good. She had a brother who only wanted his sister to be reborn. She wished she was alive to help her descendants uproar. She missed them all. Until a fighter who had serious ill problems. She grew ill. The new descendants protected the fighter with all of their power. Darkness arrived and the fighter had grew upon their times to call it an uprising of the great evil. The Queen had awoken and killed the darkness, his minion, and herself. She only wishes she met the two who protected the fighter." I said.

Two weeks later and we came back to the hospital for Riley. The doctor claims she got better. She's been eating more. Derek and Ryan are home while Riley and I are having girl time. I guess Ryan and Riley sleeping next to each other has been better. They've been chatty since then. Ryan has gotten a lot darker. I guess he got that from his daddy while Riley got her color from her mommy.

Derek has been going out more often in his wolf form. He happens to be after Kate still. Some hunters has been after me. They try to take out Riley and Ryan as they always fail. They cry they'll make lightbulbs break. I guess since they can't mutter any spells they'll break anything who strikes them with weapons. I go to the twins bedroom and see them in different clothing. 

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I hear them cry as rubbed both of their stomach

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I hear them cry as rubbed both of their stomach. "You guys miss Daddy?" I asked. They became quiet as I got their answer. "Come on my young wolves. We must see papa." I said going downstairs to see Derek but it turned out to be Isaac.

"Children meet your Uncle Isaac." I said. "Where's Derek?" Isaac asked. "Out. Finding Kate." I said. "She's back?" Isaac asked. "Yeah. These children has some magic in them along with their werewolf powers." I said as their was a huge pregnant pause. "I am going to Scott's tomorrow. Melissa wants to meet the young ones." I said.

Someone opened the loft door as it turns out to be Derek. "Look who stopped by Derek." I said. "Isaac?" Derek said more in question. "You back for good?" Derek asked. "No, I uh need to see my dear niece, nephew, and my sister. Why you still going after Kate and not spending enough time with your children and mate." Isaac said.

"And this is when I take the children upstairs. They don't need to hear this. Let's go little ones. We're going on a car ride to Melissa's." I said. I carried them to the car and placed them in their car seats.

Melissa's house

"I thought it was a good idea to get them out the house. Isaac and Derek are fighting. Didn't need them to witness such violence. How's the boys? I haven't left the house since giving birth to these wonderful children." I said.

"Well they got serious problems. You wouldn't want to involve the children." Melissa said.

The end. I know. I know. It shall be more to this story but I have no more things to add. This book is the one I've been writing for a while. I love everyone who decided to read it and the votes. I love you all. Have a good day and I wish you all the best. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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