Chapter 17

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"Derek! Derek where are you?" I ask crawling down the stairs and see Derek getting arrested.

"Derek." I cry.

An officer tries to touch me.

"You can't touch her or she'll seize." Parrish said.

"Deputy Parrish can you do me a favor hand me the medications on the counter and wheel me my wheelchair." I ask.

"Who is going to stay with you?" Parrish asked.

"Peter. My family. There will be over soon. If not I'm calling Lydia too drive me to school." I said.

I wheel my chair to the outdoors and she picks up.

"Braedon, can you do me a favor?" I ask.

"Which is?" She asked.

"Find Luna. She is with someone dangerously. Protect her." I said.

"Will do my Queen." She said.

She hangs up as I call Lydia.

"Hey Lyds can you pick me up. I don't want to be here when Derek is in jail." I said.

"On the way." Lydia said.

She hangs up.

I put my medication that stop my seizures.

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