Chapter 18

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Sorry my dear fans that the last chapter was short. I'll make it up. So here it goes. ~Chelle R

Chapter 18

Lydia picks me up and takes me to school.

"You alright Aves?" Lydia asked.

I shake my head as I see a fiery redish orange.

I see my hands on fire.

I screeched in pain.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital. And that's final." Lydia said.

I screeched again.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!" I yell in pain.

"Deaton. Only." I said.

Lydia takes me to The Animal Clinic.

"Get her on the table." Deaton said.

"It's the child fighting against her. If she isn't near Derek it'll become painful since Luna isn't with Ava." Deaton said.

"So I what bring Ava to Derek who is in jail." Lydia said.

"No. Hand me a syringe in that cabinet." Deaton said.

"Why? What does this do?" Lydia said.

"This'll hurt her, hold her still." Deaton said ignoring her question.

"It's so small." Lydia said.

Deaton fills it with wolfsbane and injects it in her leg.

"Ahhhh!" Ava moves.

"Keep her still." Deaton said to Lydia.

Ava screams now slow down.

Deaton injects the sleepy medication to Ava.

"Go to school. I'll watch her." Deaton said.

Lydia leaves the clinic.

"It is okay." Deaton said.

Deaton's POV

"Ahhhhh!" Ava screamed.

I get the gel and placed it on her stomach.

"Let's see what's going on in there." I murmured at Ava's stomach.

"Ahh I figured. Twins." I said.

Peter comes in here.

"You're saying these twins in here are hurting her." Peter said pointing at Ava and her children.

"Derek needs to get out of jail and fast." Peter said.

Ava's magic started again.

"What do we do?" Peter asked.

"We bring her to Derek." I said.

"We!? Uh uh. No. Get someone else." Peter said.

"Fine." I said.

I carry her to the car.

I go in and I see Derek protecting Chris as a bomb goes off.

I take him to the bathroom and take the nails and glass out of him.

"Ava needs you. Her children are hurting her from inside out. I need a werewolf to heal her, but no one can touch her besides you." I said.

"Where is she?" Derek said.

"In the car." I said.

"Bring her to me." Derek said.

"I can't touch her." I said.

"You gave her the medication, yes?" Derek asked.

I nod.

"Then bring her to me." Derek said.

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