Chapter 9

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Ava's POV
I walk over to the car and I see Veronica awake looking at her brother.
She looks at me.
"I'm sorry for what Deucalion,Kali,Ennis,Tristan and I did to you. You shouldn't have went through that."Veronica said.
"No one should."I said looking down.
"We have to get in the hotel for now. The trip is delayed until tomorrow so we have to stay until then. We also have to share a room while Scott watch your brother. If it's alright."I told her.
I look over at Scott as he looks at me.
I nod my head as I tell him to come over.
He comes over.
He takes Tristan out of the car.
We head to our room.
It's right by Allison and Lydia's room.
Allison comes in the room telling us that something is happening to the rest of the werewolves.
I enter Isaac and Boyd's room.
"Can you get me those flares on the bus. I think I can help Stiles."I told him.
Veronica standing in the door way.
"Il est un bâtard de mensonge de tricherie."I said.
"Did you say it in Spanish or French?"Veronica said.
"It's french. But I'm struggling with french."Allison said.
"It's your native language."Veronica said.
"Il triche."I said again.
"Her neck?"Veronica said.
"Yeah what about it?"Lydia said.
"Il triche."I said.
"It's turning red."Veronica said.
"There were initials on her neck. It's what werewolves do to claim there mate. It's burning?"Veronica said in a calm voice.
"What do you mean it's burning?"Lydia said.
"We have to get Isaac up before anything else happens."Veronica said.
"How!? If you haven't realized no one knows what to do besides Ava."Allison said.
"Not exactly but I know who can?"Veronica said.
"Who?"Allison and Lydia said.
"Tristan."Veronica said.
"He can't do anything remember he's stuck in wolf form and the only person who can't get him out of it is Ava."Allison stated coldly.
"It's a full moon."Veronica said.
Stiles comes back.
"What happened?"he asks.
"Do you have any of Scott's clothes I can borrow?"Veronica said.
"Here."he handed her the flares.
He comes back and gives Veronica some clothes.
"Allison come with me and pick up Ava."Veronica said as Allison follows.
"You have those cuffs your dad gave you?"Veronica asked.
"Yeah."Allison said.
"I'm in favor for Ava. I give her anything she needed. My brother and Deucalion and all of the other Alpha's are going to repay her soon."Veronica said.
Veronica throws clothes on the floor in front of her brother.
"Put em' on!"Veronica demanded.
Tristan looks at Ava on the bed.
"Il triche."I said.
"What did she say?"Tristan asked.
"You're the one who knows french and everything. Besides I could just get the cops over here."Veronica said.
"Sister. Don't."Tristan said in a breath.
"You know you owe Ava a lot. But doing me a favor and help them. If Isaac isn't awake to know his sister is in pain. You'll feel the exact same since she's the moon child."Veronica said.
"Douleur."I said flicking my hands on fire.
"Ahhh."Veronica screams in pain with her brother.
"The. Necklace. Needs. Charged. Ahhh!"Tristan said.
Allison runs to her bag as she found her gloves and slid them on her hands.
Allison slams the handcuffs on Tristan.
"Silver doesn't look good on me."Tristan said.
"Your right brother. Silver does look good on you."Veronica said.
Tristan carries Ava as he follows Allison.
Isaac looks at Tristan.
"Why are you carrying my sister, you narcissistic prick!?"Isaac yelled.
"It was either him or Veronica that carries her? I had my hands full."Allison told Isaac as she shows him the handcuffs.
"I didn't mean to hurt her. I swear. It was under my Alpha's orders."Tristan stated.
"Douleur."I said.
"Ahhh! What's. Happening?"Isaac asks in a breath.
"Her. Neck. Check? It!"Veronica yells.
Stiles runs into Ethan and Scott.

Third POV
"Call Deaton or Derek! Now!"Stiles demanded.
"Why? What's wrong?"Ethan asks.
"Ava. She afflicting pain to the other supernatural creatures. The initials on her neck is burning."Stiles said.
"It's Derek. He is having sex that isn't Ava. The bond is breaking. We can't heal her here. Veronica and Tristan has to take her to Deaton's. She'll injure all of us Supernatural creatures. We would all turn into who we are."Ethan said.
"Humans would have burn marks on there arms and legs."Scott said.
"Deucalion saw what Ava could do. Now you saw what she can do."Ethan said.
We run to the room.
Allison sedates Ava.
"She's knock out until then and you have one hour till you are back in wolf form."Ethan told Tristan.
Veronica drives quickly to Beacon Hills.
She carries Ava in her hands.
"Please help!?"Veronica said.
"Where's Tristan?"Kali asked.
"Behind me."Veronica said.
Tristan comes behind his sister.
"Douleur."Ava said.
"Ahhh!"every werewolf screams in pain.
Deaton puts a little of wolfsbane in Ava.
"Give me her necklace."Deaton said.
Deaton sees it is on Tristan and he takes it.
Deaton examins Ava's neck.
"Do me a favor and find Derek, Veronica?"Deaton asks her.
"Will do."Veronica said.
Veronica leaves.

Deucalion POV
"What's happening to her?"I asked.
"Derek mating with someone else. She is feeling abandoned. You can see her claimed her but didn't fully finish the mating process."Deaton said.
"You sure about that?"I asked Deaton.
Deaton gets out his equipment and checks her stomach.
"It can't be."Derek said.
Everyone looks his way.
"You didn't know. Yet you sleep with her teacher!"Tristan yelled at him.
"It's not like I abused or raped her!"Derek yelled.
Cora enters the clinic.
"You both did things you shouldn't have! Tristan you raped and tortured her! Derek you fucked her teacher! You and Ava are mates not you and her teacher!"Cora yelled.
"I'll take care of her. You have my words."someone said as they see Peter.
"That child isn't any of yours! MY child!"Derek yelled.
"She will grow weaker as this child grows. It'll take all of her magic. No wonder her flames were orange instead of Violet."Deaton said.
Ava wakes up.
She looks to see Derek.
"Il triche."Ava said.
"She brainwashed me to think you were her. Ava. Please!?"Derek said.
"Douleur."Ava said looking at Derek.
Derek falls on the floor in pain.
Deaton placed a bracelet that contains a shocker to make sure she don't hurt others as much.
"Ava! Listen. Your with child."Deaton explains.
Ava puts her hand over her stomach.
Deaton puts cream over her neck.
Ava runs to his trash can and pukes.
Cora rubs her back.
"I'll take her home."Veronica stated.
They nodded.

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