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Dear Talia
After everything that's happened recently, I am so grateful to have you by my side. It means so much to me that even when I manage to screw things up you for some reason decide to give me a second chance. Talia, from the bottom of my heart I Love You. I Love The way you smile when our eyes connect. I Love the way your eye sparkles when you talk about things you love. I Love the way you bite your lip when you try not to laugh at my stupid jokes. I Love you Talia. You mean the world to me. Don't ever forget that.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Minty. ;)

Simons POV
I placed the pen down, a smile stretched across my face. There it was, my heart spilt out on paper. I had never thought of myself as the romantic type. Of course I loved to do romantic things but it was never a regular thing, i'm sure passed girlfriends would agree.. But... Talia was different. She was... special. I had never loved anyone before... but with Talia everything just felt... so perfect. After my dad passed away and Talia came to comfort me I started to think about everything, from the first time we met, to hanging out at wireless, going on our first date... to now. Talia Mar was the one, we were taking things slowly and I loved every moment of it. I wanted to plan a date to thank her for everything. I wanted to show her how happy she makes me.
I folded the paper and placed it in an envelope. After writing Talias name on it I got up and walked over to a ginormous box sat by my couch. The box was wrapped neatly with a large red bow on the top. I placed the envelope on top of the box with some tape and grabbed out my phone from my pocket.

hey mar:)

hey si x whats up

nothing really:) you wanna come over? i wanna show you something

uhh yea sure... im worried? should i be?

yup. also wear something nice but comfy, we goin out after😉

YES okay:) see you soon minty xx

see you x
read 3:09pm

And there it was. My plan was in action, I was nervous but excited. All I wanted was to make Talia happy, hopefully tonight would do just that.

Hey minty i'm on my way x
delivered 4:48pm

great! cant wait:)

After what felt like forever Talia finally arrived. I was stood by the front door waiting to greet Talia inside. After a few minutes the front door opened and i walked over and wrapped my arms around her, I picked her up and spun around as her giggles filled the room. "Simoooonn" I put her down and placed a kiss on her forehead. I placed her hand in mine before walking up the stairs with her. "Come, I have something to show you" we walked up the staircase and reached my bedroom door. I turned to face Talia as her face showed a confused expression, "Are you ready" I smiled down at her and interlocked our fingers. "Yup" I slowly opened the door to reveal the large neatly wrapped box with the bow on it. "Simon??..." we walked into my room as she stopped and looked up towards me. "What is this?" I could see her eyes filling with joy which made my heart skip a beat. "Open it and find out, but read the card first" I walked over and grabbed the note from on top of the box and placed it in her hands. She opened the envelope and began to read, I watched her as her eyes moved across the paper. I noticed tears starting to form in her eyes which made me feel a little emotional, but of course I held back the tears. I couldn't help but stare into her eyes. I was lost in the greeny brown texture of them, it was mesmerising. "Simon..." Her arms lowered as she looked towards me. The tears filling the bottom of her eyes. One blink and the tears fell. She ran into my arms and wrapped her arms around me, she placing a forceful kiss onto my lips. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I took in this moment, I loved her and she loved me. It was all I could ever want.

After taking in the moment we parted, her forehead lay against my chest. I wouldn't be surprised if she was able to hear my heart pounding, she made me feel uncomfortable yet nervous at the came time. I looked down at the woman I loved with every piece of me and she looked back up at me, I placed a small peck on her forehead and smiled. "Shall we see whats in the box now mar?" she smiled and we parted from each other. "We shall." She began to tear open the wrapping paper and then proceeded to try cutting the box but was unable to reach. "Need some help?" I giggled at her efforts to reach the top of the box. "Yes please" I laughed and grabbed a pair of scissors of my desk. I walked over and cut a slit across the top of the box. "There we go" I looked across at Talia as she giggled. "Thanks minty" She gave me a large smile.

She then walked over to the box and pulled open the flaps

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She then walked over to the box and pulled open the flaps. "Oh my god..." She turned to face me and ran into my arms. "So... you like it?" we both laughed as she parted and proceeded to take the gift out of the box. "YOU GOT ME A MASSIVE TEDDY BEAR?!" The bear was bigger than her which made me smile. "Simoooooonnnn thank youu" I embraced her in my arms as we hugged again. "Now what are the plans for tonight minty" I looked down at her as i placed a kiss on her forehead.
"You'll find out soon mar."
(part 1 - continue date on next chapter)
HIIII i'm so sorry for not updating in so long!! since schools come back its just been so busy! So what's happened while i've been gone? well i turned 17 and that guy i talked about last chapter... well he asked me out and uuh things are happenin;) so im GASSED bout that,, also simon and talia both posted this today when i woke up and lets just say i had a great day okay i love them so much

 well he asked me out and uuh things are happenin;) so im GASSED bout that,, also simon and talia both posted this today when i woke up and lets just say i had a great day okay i love them so much

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