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Talias POV
I stormed off into my house, I couldn't handle it in the car. I couldn't sit in there for another second. I made my way upstairs into my room and face planted onto my bed. How had the day started so perfectly and ended so badly? Thoughts clouded my head, I rolled over to sit up grabbing a pillow and clenching onto it while cradling my knees. What if Simon didn't like me anymore? maybe I shouldn't have walked off.. Did I make a bad decision? Is it too late? I got on my knees and looked through the window by my bed to see Simons car drive off. Well Talia.. you've really fucked it now. A few hours had passed and I was just sat on my bed watching Netflix.
*buzz buzz*

Hey Talia! party at chip and I's you have to come!

I looked at my phone and sat there thinking. I could go just to get rid of all my thoughts. I could drink to forget this day even happened, maybe Simon will be there too and he will be so drunk he forgets too?.. that's stupid Talia what are you thinking... But maybe so stupid that it can happen?..
I jumped off my bed while closing my laptop and made my way over to my mirror and started applying my makeup. I then got into a glittery party dress and put on some heels.

Gee, Ill be there soon for pre party drinks.

Pre party drinks? that doesn't sound like you? but i'm down!

Just thought I would try something a little different.

I ordered a cab and soon made it to Gees. It was now 7pm and Gee and I were downing shots. One after the other we took them. "Gee i'm already hammered ahfhssh" I laughed and hit Gees shoulder. Soon guests started arriving and the music and lights were going. Although I was drunk I could still make out peoples faces, all familiar but none were Simon. Simon didn't come?... I begin downing more drinks till I was completely unaware if my surroundings. I started dancing with random people and I could feel my vision starting to go but that didn't stop me. My eyes caught Joe Sugg as I walked over and grabbed his hands and started dancing. "Ya know.. If Simon saw this he wouldn't be okay.. with... he's being mean. Why can't he let me-"

Gees POV
I was confused at why Talia was acting so weird, she never ever got this drunk! I walked over to Will who was stood by the couch and tapped his arm to get his attention. His eyes shifted from Talia towards me. "Will we need to do something about Talia, shes causing a scene. We need to help her" Will looked back towards Talia and picked up his phone.

Simons POV
I was sat at my desk scrolling through twitter as I heard a buzzing on the table. Wills calling? I thought he was having a party.. "Hey will whats up?"
"Look Simon mate I know you said you weren't in the mood to come out tonight but Talia is drunk out of her bloody mind. Shes causing a right scene, could you come get her?" A sigh slipped my lips as I ran my hand over my face. "Right. Im on my way." I hung up the phone and walked over to put my shoes on, grabbed my keys and left the house. Eventually I made it to the party, I opened the door to see Talia stood dancing on a table with a bottle of vodka in her hand with everyone watching her. "For fuck sake man" I walked over to her and grabbed the bottle off her "What the.. give that.. Simon??" I placed the vodka on the table and wrapped my hands around her legs causing her to fall over my shoulder. I carried her away as she yelled "Let me go Simon!!!! I'm having fun! put me down!" I gave a smile at Will and Gee as I left the apartment. By now Talia had padded out as we went down in the elevator. I placed her in my car and made my way back to the Sidemen house. I carried her up to my room and placed her in my bed. "Talia why have you done this to yourself.." I tucked her into the blankets as her eyes began to open. "Simon?..." "Yea-" My eyes looking down at my feet as I felt an awkward tension. "Why did you do that" I looked towards Talia in confusion. "do what?" She sat up crossing her legs and scratching her neck. "Why did you help me.. I thought you were mad at me." I looked around my room as I felt awkward. "I am mad at you Talia..." Her face dropped, her eyes began to water but she tried to keep a confident face. "Then why did you help me Simon. Why did you bother helping someone who just makes mistakes all the time" I looked at her face, I could see how broken she was. Although she was still a little drunk I could see how bad she felt. And I couldn't help but adore her for that. "Because I-..." I mumbled the rest and looked off to the side hoping she didn't hear me.. "You what?..." "Because I love you okay.." I scratched the back of neck and felt my eyes start to water too.
Talias face brightened as her mouth dropped. "Simon.... You do? Really?" I looked towards her, I couldn't stay mad at her. I walked over to the bed and sat down playing with my fingers. "Yes Talia. I was just jealous I cant help thinking that I could lose you, I'm not usually good at this whole relationship thing. I just thought that maybe you found someone bett-" I felt her hands cup my face as our lips collided, once I realised what was happening I instantly began kissing back. We pulled away as our faces both grew smiles, I felt a tear roll down my face when Talia used her thumb to wipe it away. "I love you too Simon" My eyes widened as I wrapped my arms around her. I was the happiest ever, to think this all started with the biggest argument we've ever had made my heart beat faster. We soon released from the hug and lay down in the bed, I wrapped my arms around her waist as we dozed off. I held her tightly as her arms held mine. I Simon Minter was In love. And it felt amazing.

Im sorry its been a while since updating and i'm sorry! School has been super busy, I have a drama performance on Tuesday which i'm super nervous about so yea i've also been trying to practice for that.
also I need help with the Idea selection again so comment a number:)
Thank you for all the support on this story I'm not sure how theres that many people who have read my story.. its fully mad!

 its fully mad!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
Salia (Simon & Talia)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن