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Talias POV
Today was the day! the day I leave for Summer In The City and finally get to perform! I got out of bed and began to eat while picking up my phone and scrolling through notifications.

Can't wait to see @TaliaMarMusic performing today!
liked by TaliaMarMusic

Reading my fans messages always made me so happy, I always tried as best I could to interact with everyone. I soon finished my breakfast and walked back into my room and started to put my makeup on. "now Talia do we want to go crazy or subtle and sweet.." I placed an eyeshadow brush between my teeth and began to think. "I think we should go for a natural look today" I removed the brush from my teeth and started blending nudes into my crease. I added highlighter, Mascara and lipgloss and then went to decide what to wear. I walked over to my closet and stared into the piles of clothes sat on the floor. I noticed a pink skirt and paired it with a white off the shoulder top and brown heels.

After changing I decided to meet up with Gee and Josh(Chip)

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After changing I decided to meet up with Gee and Josh(Chip).

*phone call*
Talia- Hey Gee!

Gee- Hey! I'm so excited for your performance!

Talia- Honestly I'm a little nervous but I'm so ready!

Gee- Don't worry you will do amazing! Anyways were wanting to coming to ours in an hour and we could go together?

Talia- Yup! Sounds good, I'll order an uber and be on my way

Gee- Okay coolio! see you soon love!

Talia- Bye! xx

Soon my Uber arrived and I hoped in, the whole ride my stomach filled with butterflies. I knew my nerves would be going a little crazy today but I tried my best to ignore them. 30 minutes passed and I arrived at Gee and Joshs appartment. I knocked on the door and was greeted with a glittery energetic Gee. "HIIIIIIIII" She ran into a hug as I laughed. "Heyyy hahah" my eyes panned around the room to see Josh stood in the kitchen. "oh hello there pal" Josh said with his cringe voice and facial expression he does. Gee and I release from the hug and stare at Josh while Gee starts to laugh. "hello burnt biscuit how are you" "HEY! Don't you call me that miss!" I always liked to make up random names for Josh as I knew it annoyed him. We both soon sat down, chatted and waited for an Uber to take us to the event.


Uber- I'm outside!

"They're here!" All three of us got up and walked out and got into the elevator. "Are you nervous Talia?" I turned towards Gee and then back towards the elevator door questioning my thoughts. "I...I'm not quite sure.. I think I feel a little bit of nerves but I don't know how I will feel when it's actually time to perform." We get to the bottom floor and make our way into the Uber.

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