A Notice To The Judges

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Waste The Night is officially over & I'd like to take this time to remind you of the prizes promised to our winners.


First Place Winners: A follow from all judges
Second & Third Place Winners: A follow from the judges of their category.


First place winners are promised three (3) different tagline reviews from 3 different judges. Judges, please comment or shoot over a DM with the first place story you'd like to do a 1-2 sentence review for. You may do this for multiple books if you'd like. Tagline reviews will look something like this:

"An unapologetically quirky tale written by a talented author that twists the soul and opens the heart." -AudreyEve

"An exceptional read! Bravo @authorusername!" -AudreyEve

"This book is addicting! I couldn't stop reading!" -AudreyEve

So to reiterate, judges please follow the authors, and send in one (1) tagline review for a 1st place story of your choice. You may write multiple taglines for more than one story if you like. Please have these in as soon as you are able to finish, so I can send them to the authors!

Thank you!!

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