➋ » representation persuasion

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These are your TOP 7 stories in THE REPRESENTATION PERSUASION division

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These are your TOP 7 stories in THE REPRESENTATION PERSUASION division. If your story has moved forward, CONGRATS-- I will be sending you a PM with a link to a banner you can download to use in your story to update your readers if you like.

If your story has not made the Top 7, please don't feel discouraged. Don't stop writing. Use this as encouragement to improve. To learn more. Writing is amazing for self expression and therapy, so don't ever stop! Plus, your story STILL has a chance to win an award in the Vanguard categories.

 Writing is amazing for self expression and therapy, so don't ever stop! Plus, your story STILL has a chance to win an award in the Vanguard categories

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» POC / WOC «

lonelylynn - "Kia Kaha"
> Character Name: Anahera

TeaIsForTimi - "Blocked"
> Character Name: Delaney Johnson

5sospowergirls - "Feelings"
> Character Name: Elise Rose Ambers

⇢ 5sospowergirls  - "Feelings"     > Character Name: Elise Rose Ambers

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NavyWrites - "Paper Brains"
> Character Name: Amelie

anxious-lrh -lrh - "How to Deal With Anxiety"
> Character Name: Kat Lovett & Ashton Irwin

secretbloggers - "Bloggers's Romance"
> Character Name: Stacy

soundthealarm - "Goner"
> Character Name: Reed Winters

catchlukeonfire - "Snap Out of It"
> Character Name: Ashton, Luke, Noah

xhighhopes - "Black Ice"
> Character Name: Reese Fletcher

acousticinternet - "Outside The Lines"
> Character Name: Luke Hemmings

⇢ acousticinternet  - "Outside The Lines"     > Character Name: Luke Hemmings

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mycalumcalromance - "Between Life and Death"
> Character Name: Ashton Irwin

alright-though - "Ray"
> Character Name: Ray Charles

fatecanberewritten - "Saving The Reject"
> Character Name: Evie

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