31. The Death

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3 months later

                Jensen tossed the clothes from the washer into the dryer when Thomas ran right past him.

                Jensen laughed as Jared made the corner and ran after him. “Your son is gonna kick your butt.”

                Jared nodded as he kept up after him.

                Jensen looked up when Blake came into the room. “Hey, are you heading there today?”

                Blake nodded her head back at him, “Yea, I mean I wanna go and make sure that everything is ok.”

                Jensen closed the dryer, “Do you think I could come with you?”

                Blake smiled back at him, “Yea that could be great.”

                Jensen nodded his head as he grabbed his hat and followed her out of the house.


                Blake parked outside the gates as Jensen looked back over the grave yard.

                Blake looked back at Jensen, “I haven’t been here since they buried her. Have you been here since then?”

                “No, I haven’t. I haven’t been here at all since that day.”

                Blake reached back and grabbed the flowers from the back seat. “I thought she would like some flowers.”

                Jensen nodded as he got out and followed her toward the grave stone.

                Blake looked back at Jensen, “If you need some time just tell me.”

                Jensen wrapped his arm around her, “You are a good sister.”    

                “And so was she.” Blake said as they went over to her grave stone.

                Back at the house, Jared finally got Thomas to calm down and put him down for a nap when someone knocked at the door.

                Jared slowly got up as Thomas shifted in his sleep then went back to snoring away.

                Jared went for the door to find Gen standing behind it.

                Jared smiled back at her, “I still have another day with him.”

                “I wanted to actually talk about us.”

                Jared nodded his head as he welcomed her into the house.

                Gen rubbed her arms, “This is a nice place.”

                “Yea, Jensen and I live here with Blake. I mean Blake doesn’t live here completely she just kinda keeps us from not living in a hell hole.”

                Gen laughed back at him, “So she is the big sister keeping you guys clean?”

                “You can say that if you want.” Jared smiled back at her.

                Gen looked down at Thomas sleeping on the couch, “He is so cute.”

                “He really is.”

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