22. Everything in Texas is Bigger

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Austin, Texas

                I pushed my aviators back on my head as Gen danced around in the parking lot of the airport.

                Blake shook her head, “I hate you both for bringing me here.”  

                Gen laughed at her as we went over to our car.

                I tossed my bags into the back when Gen grinned back at me, “I am home.”

                Blake tossed her head back as I started up the car and pulled out of the airport parking lot and went for the house.

                Blake looked back at Gen, “So why are we here again?”

                “Jared and I have a house here but they are filming right now, so the house is free and I thought why not.”

                I pushed my aviators back down as I went through the Austin traffic.

                I slowed down when I saw the billboards. “Oh great, my life will never be over.”

                Gen looked up as it was the face of my father. “Why didn’t they take that down?”

                “He is the face of Butler Inc, they will never remove him.” I said as I drove toward Lake Austin where the house was located.

                I slipped into my tank and cut off shorts when Gen walked out to me.

                I glanced back at her, “You told Jared about the night?”

                “You don’t understand what I was thinking at the time and he was pushing me.”

                I shook my head back at her, “I told Jensen everything.”

                Gen looked at me, “What do you mean by everything?”

                “He knows the truth about my mother and stuff.”

                Gen grinned back at me, “That is like super good for you.”

                I nodded my head back at her, “Can we go out tonight and like have fun?”

                Gen laughed back at me, “I think that is needed.”

                I nodded my head as we went back into the house to get changed for the night ahead.

                At the club, Blake went for the bar as Gen and I went for a booth.

                I looked at the guy guarding the VIP area as we slipped into a booth.

                I looked at the girl walking around taking orders. I slipped her my card and nodded my head as she smiled back at me.

                Gen looked at me, “Unlimited night?”

                “Unlimited life.” I grinned back at her.

                I opened my bag and turned my phone off.

                I laughed back at Blake as she came over to us with drinks.

                “I didn’t know what you wanted so I just got shots.”

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