28. When I Look To the Sky

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                It was Tuesday.

                Jensen was waiting in the bar of the hotel stirring his whiskey around with his finger.

                Jensen glanced over his shoulder when he saw me walking into the room.

                Jensen jumped up as I was in a tight, little black dress with most of my boobs hanging out.

                I grinned back at him, “You know I only wanted to talk for another reason.”

                Jensen’s little smile seemed to vanish.

                I took a drink of his whiskey. “I got the invite the other day. The wedding is in three weeks Jensen. You are getting married.”

                “Are you saying that you don’t have married clients?”

                I glared back at him, “I have married clients but I don’t need you.”

                Jensen placed his hand on my leg, “You came back for a reason.”

                I grinned back at him, “I came back to see if I was for sure about what was going on in my life.”

                “You came here tonight.”

                “I wanted to tell you that maybe you should rethink everything.”

                “What do you mean?”  

                I glanced over my shoulder when I saw the three guys come into the bar. I slipped my hand into Jensen’s. “We should leave.”

                Jensen looked at me when a guy walked up behind me and him.

                “Brooklyn Butler, maybe you should come with us.”

                Jensen looked back at the guy then back at me.

                I closed my eyes when he walked over to us. “I should have known.”

                Grayson laughed back at me. “Danneel had deeper pockets.”

                “I want to cut her throat wide open.”

                Jensen looked back at me as we were taken to the back elevator then up to a room on the 9th floor.

                Across town, Jared paced back and forth infront of her apartment door thinking about what he will say to her.

                Jared finally went over to her door and knocked on it.

                The door opened slowly to Gen standing in sweats with her hair all crazy and ice cream in her hands. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

                “I wanted to see him.”

                Gen looked over her shoulder, “He just went down but you can come in and have something to drink.”

                Jared smiled back at her as he went into the apartment.

                Gen pointed to the front door, “That is the bathroom and his room is right next to it. Just turn the bathroom light on and you can see him.”

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