13. Bad Company

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“When you come across that way, make sure that you are looking back over your right shoulder!” The director yelled back at Jensen.

                Jensen nodded his head back at him as he waited for the call then did what he was told.

                Jensen glanced up as the director called for the end of the scene.

                Jensen rolled his head around cracking his neck when Jared walked over to him with a bottle of water in his hands.

                Jared tossed me the water as Jensen went with him out of the area and went back for their trailers. “So what did you do last night?”

                Jensen looked back at him, “I was fucking friend zoned.”

                Jared stopped then started to laugh, “You were what?”

                “She doesn’t want a relationship right now, like she doesn’t want something serious right now.”

                Jared nodded his head back at him, “Maybe you should stop trying then or maybe you should try harder.”

                Jensen shook his head when he got to his trailer the girl that normally tells them where and when to be was standing at the door. “What are you doing here?”

                “I shouldn’t be telling you then but you have every right to know.”

                Jensen looked at her, “I'm a little confused about what you mean.”

                “I have been hearing rumors that she would be coming back but I wasn’t for sure.”

                Jensen just kept looking at her.

                “IT was confirmed that Danneel is coming back to the show.”

                Jensen laughed at her then shook his head back at her, “Nah, they aren't bringing her back.”

                She handed him the call sheet for tomorrow, “I'm sorry Jensen but she will be back tomorrow.”

                Jared took the call sheet and saw that Danneel had a 10:30 call time with them. “Dude, she is the other person coming in to do that part.”

                Jensen nodded his head back at Jared, “Yea I get that.”


                I stood back confused as anything as Gen pointed at the wall colors that she was thinking of painting the guest room.

                One was a pale blue which was pretty and calming

                The next was a dark navy which was just too much for the small room.

                The one after that was a caramel color which looked like baby shit on the wall.

                I looked back at her, “Why are you painting this room?”

                Gen shook her head, “I don’t know I just wanna redo like the entire place or something.”

                I grinned back at her when she grabbed the water bottle and tossed it back. “How late are you?”

                “Late, late to what, what are you talking about Brooklyn?”

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