20. Pretend Its Love

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                Later that day, Jensen walked into the hospital and asked the girl about Brooklyn.           

                She looked up at the guard who started toward him.

                Jensen put his hands up when a blonde said that it wasn’t needed.

                Jensen looked back her, “Who are you?”             

                “Better question is what do you want with my sister?”

                Jensen kept looking at her, “Brooklyn doesn’t have any family.”

                “I can see that my sister loves me so much.”

                Jensen stood in the hallway as she waved for him to come into the room.


                Jared glared back at Gen as she threw up once more.

                “You helped her bury the body?”

                Gen cleaned her face up. “I didn’t know what I was doing. I just saw Brooklyn covered in mud, blood, and tears.”

                Jared shook his head, “Why didn’t you call for someone?”

                Gen sat back against the tub, “Did you ever see someone in such pain that all you could do was help and not ask a single question?”

                Jared got up from the bathroom floor. “You helped with murder.”

                “No, that was her mother.”

                “Great, you hung out with a murderer.”

                “You can judge me all you want but Brooklyn tried for years. Do you understand what is it like to walk into your own house and your mother thought you were robbing her? Do you know what it is like to wake up in the middle of the night with a knife to your throat because your mother just forgot about you?”

                Jared glanced down at her.

                “Brooklyn suffered a lot during her years in Sun Valley; I never once pushed for her to do something horrible. I never pushed for her to do it.”

                Jared bent down infront of her, “What aren't you saying?”

                Gen looked up at him, “Her father would kill someone and bring it back to her mother. It was his way of bringing her a present. Brooklyn’s mother would just freak out and want to destroy the evidence. But she was so sick that her mother couldn’t do it so it just turned worse. Brooklyn had to clean up the mess that her father left behind.”

                “I thought her father was out of the picture?”

                “He is but I mean he would come back to bring a dead body and flip her mother back into another episode.”

                Jared sat down next to her, “Why didn’t you just go to the police and explain everything?”

                “Two 15 year old girls going to the police to say that her father brought her mother dead bodies as a present; you wanna tell me who would actually be arrested now?”

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