30. The Wedding

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   I walked around the house when Blake walked around the corner in her dress for the night.

                Blake looked back at me, “Are you sure about this?”

                I nodded my head back at her, “I will see you when you get back.”

                Blake nodded her head as she went out the door.

                I glanced down at the phone on the island as I reached for the bottle of whiskey instead.


4 hours earlier

                I sat on the bench in the park as the guy came walking over to me.

                I glanced back at him.

                He sat down next to me and handed me the card. “They are getting married tonight. She is telling everyone that she can't wait to marry him.”

                I nodded my head back at him. “You get in place and when the ‘I dos’ are said you handle this problem when she walks back down the aisle.”

                He nodded as he took the phone from me and walked away from me.

                I got up and walked off in the other direction when my phone went off. “Hey Jared, what do you want?”

                “I was wondering if you could talk to me.”

                I shook my head when it was Jensen and not Jared.

                “Where do you want me?”

                “Just come over to the house, I am with Jared.”

                I started the car up and headed back over to Jared’s with the thought of tonight was going to end very much differently then it should ever have.

                I pulled up to the house when my phone went off. I looked at the number then unlocked my phone, “Hello who is this?”

                “Hey Brooklyn it is Luke.”

                “Hey, what do you have another phone?”

                “No, I just thought you know should know that something has come up.”

                “Something like what Luke?”

                “Did you know about Danneel going to Sun Valley when your father was killed?”

                I looked back at the house as Jensen was standing at the door.

                “How was that found out?”

                “So you are saying you knew?”

                “I saw her but I never talked to her.”

                “Brooklyn, something has come to the FBI’s attention about that night.”

                I looked down at the steering wheel. “You mean they were given something.” 

                “Brooklyn, do you know anything about this?”

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