When I'm Not {od}

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When you're in love, you want to imagine a world where either you're with the person forever, or you pretend like you aren't in love. Both, are very different, yet there's still the same emotion in both.

And that's what went wrong.

Niall loved Harry, but he wanted to pretend he did not. Harry loved Niall, and always thought about how they could be together forever.

However, if one day could change it all...it was today.

"You know," Lou - the hairstylist, not Tomlinson - said, fixing Niall's hair. "You're a bit odd, trying to act like you don't like Harry." Lou said so casually, that Niall felt like it was a normal conversation - except, it was, she always scolded him about it. "Why can't you just be honest? Usually, you're more blunt, you know." Lou said, continuing before Niall could explain himself - as he usually did.

"I know," Niall sighed, like he had all times before, "But, he's an idiot, a band mate, and it should be weird. So I'm trying to not make it weird, by trying to not like him anymore. Because like somehow ends up in hating someone or never stop loving them. So maybe if I pretend like I don't, then neither will happen." Niall said, knowing how stupid it sounded, but he always said it as reassurance. Lou rolled her eyes, like she always did, staying quiet, as she quietly finished Niall's hair.

"You're done." Lou said softly, "Send someone else in. I think it's only Harry and Louis left."

Niall's heart sped up, before slowing down again. One minute, he's happy he could tell Harry, because Harry has a nice smile. Then he remembers when Harry confessed he, kind of, made out with Louis one time - sometime between Hannah and Eleanor, or something. And Niall's hesitant, because there's that possibility that Harry could like Louis, and maybe, just maybe, Niall doesn't like Louis - in a competitive way?

"Um, one of you has to go in." Niall mumbled, walking past Harry and Louis quietly, only pointing towards Lou's door, before leaving the room all together.

Before Niall could slum in his dressing room - conveniently shared with Louis, he hears Louis' voice behind him. And he's confused, because Harry's usually last - because he's hair is super curly and better off fixed last.

"Niall, I need to talk to you." Louis huffed, before continuing. "You're an idiot, and I guess I understand why, because maybe you're in love with Harry. And maybe he's in love with you. But, you're giving everyone mixed signals. And, I, as a best mate of both of you, want you to be more honest. Just tell him if you do or don't." Louis paused, huffing again, trying to regain breath. "Please, just tell him." Louis begged, giving Niall serious - yet cut puppy eyes - with a small whimper.

"First of all, stop with this dog thing you're doing." Niall chuckled, before Louis stopped whimpering and stopped the puppy eyes. "Secondly, I do like Harry, but... I can't tell him. I just, I'm not good with words..." Niall looked down, biting his cheek. "Thirdly, I feel insecure around him, because he's like my first real crush - whether in reality, or just now." Niall puffed his cheeks, pretending as if he was not totally blushing.

"First, Niall, please, just tell him. I don't care if it's long-winded and makes no sense, or if it's short and simple. He just needs some sort of answer, because he's confused. Second, have you seen Harry, he's a huge dork. If anything, he should feel insecure around you." Niall scoffed, but still blushing at Louis' words.

"I'm nothing to be insecure about." Niall grumbled. "I'm just some Irish guy who got famous. I just watch football. I act like such a boy. I have this really thick accent that leaves people confused half the time. I'm nothing special." Niall said. "If anything, I'd feel insecure around you. Because you can protect yourself. You've got that nice ass - sorry, I had to mention it. You have a nice humour. A nice, soft, accent, that people could hear through pictures probably. You're the reason I'm jealous." Niall confessed, subconsciously.

"Hey," Louis said quietly. "I'm sorry you're insecure about that. But if Harry loves you as much as I've heard... He wouldn't care if you thought that all. Because, he could care less. He would love you like any other person, but, he would probably, actually, love you a million times more." Louis laughed. "Also, if you're jealous because of what I am... Don't. Because sometimes. I'm just a complete jackass, that people don't like. I could have the best butt ever, and I wouldn't care. I could have anything, but I'm good with what I have." Louis smiled small.

"Um, thanks." Niall said, licking his lips randomly, "I, um, I get really insecure... And normally people just look at me weird and tell me "you're fucking Niall Horan, why would you be insecure?" and I would never know the answer. Because why, why can't someone be famous and still be insecure sometimes? Why can't I act like a teenager who doesn't know how to respond to a crush." Niall laughed, closing his eyes, as he sat there.

"Hey, I'll always be here for you." Louis smiled softly.

Before Louis could continue what he was going to say, someone knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" Louis questioned, answering for Niall, who was sitting there, eyes closed.

"We're going on in ten minutes, are you ready?" Liam shouted.

"Yeah, um, I think. Niall, you ready?" Louis questioned, looking down, only to see Niall giving him a thumbs up, a small smile on his face. "Yup, we'll be ready." Louis shouted, only to hear footsteps walking away.

"I'm going to bring Harry back, and you're going to tell him. Okay?" Before Niall could protest, he noticed Louis wasn't in the room with him anymore. Niall let out a sigh. Closing his eyes again; enjoying the peace.

"Why did you - oh, um." Harry stammered, walking into the dressing room, being pushed in by Louis. "I don't know what you're doing - but you are so dead." Harry muttered, mostly to himself. "Hi...Niall." Harry said quietly, not knowing what to say, or even do.

"So..." Niall said, catching Harry's attention, who noticed Niall's eyes were still closed. "I'm sorry about that, I was trying to tell him not to...but he was gone before I could say anything." Niall chuckled awkwardly.

"So what's the reason - um." Harry started, before he could even noticed, Niall was kissing him. He didn't know when Niall even stood up, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was all the emotion he could feel - and somehow, hear. He swore he could hear Niall's heartbeat, or maybe he just felt it. They were close, so it was possible.

Harry comprehended fully what was happening, before he pulled Niall closer than ever. And if he could describe it, there were not enough words to do so.

Amazing. Fantastic. Wonderful. Passionate. Cute. Awesome. All of the words Harry knew, no longer made sense - because he didn't know a perfect word to describe what he was feeling, hearing, seeing.

As Niall's heart was beating, Harry's was matching his. Their hearts were beating, perfect rhythm, as they were in their own world.

"I'm sorry." Niall said, breaking the kiss, but making sure Harry was close to him still. "I didn't know why words weren't coming out, so I thought, hey, actions speak louder than words." Niall giggled, stroking Harry's chin, loving the feel of short stubble - that he just knew Harry would shave tonight.

"Would you marry me?"

Niall giggled, noticing Harry's dazed eyes, and trying ignore Harry's impulsive words.

"And people thought I'd be the one to randomly propose to someone." Niall joked, poking Harry's cheek, waking him from his small daze.

"Hmm..." Harry mumbled, humming a happy song.

"You're such a dork."


First off, usually I have Louis being Harry's wingman, but for some reason, I wrote him as Niall's this time? Second, this was cute.

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