Before Amnesia {au} part two

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A year before everything went wrong, they were just two teenagers figuring out what love was. Maybe they knew what it was, but all they really knew was that they were falling in love every day. Harry would fall in love with Niall, and he could not believe that someone like Niall would like him – even after half a year of dating. Niall could not believe it himself, mostly because he could not ask for anyone more perfect than Harry Styles.

“I love you,” There were no more hesitations, Harry knew he loved Niall, and Niall knew he felt the same.

“I love you too,” And that’s all it takes before they burst into their own little world of giggles. They would usually be sitting on a couch, whether it be at Harry’s or Niall’s place, and they would always be cuddling.

“Ugh, you two are too cute.” Louis would always whine, if Harry was Niall’s. Louis had his own rules, and one of them was obviously not knocking. He does not know how many times he has walked into Niall’s place, and saw Niall and Harry just gazing at each other – literally just gazing.

“Is that an offensive?” Harry asked, turning towards Louis. Ever since he has been dating Niall, he found himself growing closer to Louis. They weren’t best friends, but he was kind of a close friend now.

“Nah, it’s a compliment.” Louis shrugged, sitting on a couch closest to the door he came through, while Niall and Harry were on a separate couch.

“Okay,” Harry mumbled, turning his head towards Niall to smile again. Harry does not know what it is, but he would find himself looking at Niall a whole lot. Niall did not care though, he felt himself looking at Harry with the same gaze.

“Ugh, can I puke.” Louis joked, as the couple tore their gaze from each other to look towards the friend they keep forgetting is there.

“Sorry,” Niall said, and his cheeks were now pink. Harry bit his lip, holding a giggle to himself. He is cute, Harry thought as he stared at Niall.

“Niall, you’re such a blusher.” Louis joked, as he saw his friend’s pink cheeks. Louis was laughing, and Harry joined him too. Harry no longer could hold in his giggle.

“Stop laughing.” Niall commanded, with a small pout. His cheeks were still pink, and only got pinker as he heard the two laughs.

“Fine,” Harry mumbled, “As long as I get a kiss.” Now Harry was being cheeky, and Niall was used to it now. He would noticed Harry was awkward and shy, or confident and cheeky. He loved both sides really.

“Fine,” Niall said, with a sarcastic sigh. He leaned towards Harry, placing a quick kiss to his cheek. When he pulled away, he had a playful smirk, and giggled at his boyfriend’s pout.

“That’s not a kiss.” Harry said, with a hint of sadness in his voice. Niall  bit his lip, as much as he loved kissing Harry, he didn’t want to make his best friend uncomfortable.

“Not now Harry.” Niall mumbled, still biting his lip. “I don’t want to make Louis uncomfortable…” Niall whispered in Harry’s ear. Harry felt the shivers, which was weird, because he always thought breath was meant to be warm. Maybe it’s just the thought of Niall being so close.

“Fine.” Harry said, sitting up straight, before cuddling Niall to his side. Harry loved being so tall. Because Niall was shorter and Harry felt like he had more control when they cuddled.

“I guess I should just go,” Louis said, before mumbling, “I should really just call before I come…”

“See you Lou, love you!” Niall yelled, as he saw his best friend awkwardly wave. Niall had a bright smile on his face, even though he felt bad that his best friend left because of them. 

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