Saint Styles {od}

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❝For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

Judy Garland



It was midnight on the loveliest day of the year. Except, this year, it felt lonely. Not even two weeks ago, Harry turned twenty. When he turned twenty, I do not think he called all day, but I tweet, texted, called, everything, just to tell him happy birthday. Since two weeks ago, I spend my days just relaxing around my place, or going out with some friends. I heard from Gemma – for some reason I decided to ask her – that Harry was with them, yet he has not reached me. I know it sounds harsh, but at this moment, Harry is not my favourite person. 

Who knew it was all a surprise?

Later that evening, it was almost 10 o’clock at night. I was lying around all day, it was Friday, and obviously laying around on a Friday is the worst thing in the world. 

Come on Niall,” I muttered to myself. I felt pathetic, thinking Harry would just suddenly show up on the ‘most romantic day of the year’ – ha! Romantic

As an hour passes and it is almost midnight. I can hear some light knocking. Is that my window, or my door? I stood up and walked towards my window, the one that faced my driveway. I saw no one at the door, but I could still hear that irritable, low, tapping noise. 

I opened the door to see Harry standing there, with a silly smug smile on his face. He winked, before handing me a card. I opened the card to see a picture in there, as a familiar song played in the background.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was meant to be                       

Harry smiled as I looked at the card. I could tell it took him a while to make, because I could see the effort in the card. I loved Harry’s voice singing the part that usually belongs to Zayn. His voice is much raspier compared to Zayn’s, which surprisingly, sounds nicely.

“I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you lately. I loved all your messages on my birthday. I am sorry I have not been in touch at all for a few weeks. I was trying to think of what I could. I know you are at home mostly, with your knee and all. But I wanted to plan something relaxing, but fun. I also wanted to do something romantic. So, I got my mum to help figure out the best card, and she said that this would be a good idea. Looking at your reaction, I am glad I listened to her. I just wanted to tell you, I do love you, and I love you very much, Niall Horan.” Harry rambled, in his usual slow and low voice. I smiled softly at his adorable face. I could see his dimples more than usual.

“It’s okay. Okay, maybe not. I was a little pissed at you for the past few nights. I didn’t really think you would just…show up now.” I said, frowning slightly. “I’m sorry I doubted you… I just…I felt lonely. I love you too, Harry.” I stepped closer to Harry and hugged him tightly. I felt like I did not want to let go of him.


Harry accepted Niall’s tight hug, no matter how tight he was hugging him. Harry was glad that his boyfriend was honest about how he felt. Harry squeezed Niall occasionally, showing Niall he loved him too. When Niall’s face buried into Harry’s neck, and Harry could feel light tears, Harry smiled softly. Harry ducked his head to kiss Niall’s hair.

“I love you, Ni.” Harry murmured softly, still kissing Niall’s hair. “Don’t forget that.” Harry whispered into Niall’s ear.

“I love you too, Harry.” Niall murmured into Harry’s neck, before pecking his neck softly. “Very much.” Niall added, still in a murmur.

Harry pulled Niall’s face up, to kiss him sweetly. Niall smiled, before kissing back lightly. Harry kissed Niall, before trailing down to Niall’s neck and hugging him again. 

Happy Valentine’s Day, Niall.”

Happy Valentine’s Day, Harry.”


Hey, so Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It's literally 11:59 as I write, have a lovely day.

– Jean

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