Unpredictable {au}

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Niall Horan was a cheerful person, always has been, and always will be. Harry Styles was optimistic, but he was not as cheerful as the cheerful Niall Horan was. Something intrigued Harry about Niall, maybe it was the fact he could easily befriend anyone – literally anyone. Harry liked the way Niall looked, when he laughed, talked, and sometimes – if he was sneaky enough – sing. Harry liked the way Niall’s eyes lit up at compliments, but cheeks flushed from the compliments. Sometimes, Harry would purposely tell Niall he is beautiful, just to see if he would blush the same shade of pink – or even red.

However, this is not a story about the cheerful Niall Horan, but a story of why he is cheerful.

There was something different about Niall, not just his cheerfulness, but also the reason why. For two years, he battled something, something he rarely told anyone. Sure he had a few friends (and some of them still didn’t know) but he couldn’t muster the courage to tell them why he was cheerful. Except, Harry Styles was an exception. Harry Styles was nothing special, but to Niall Horan, he was everything special. Harry Styles will find out Niall’s biggest secret, before that secret becomes his worst nightmare.


“You have one month Mr. Horan, then we’ll take you out of school.” The doctor mentioned to Niall. It was only mid-April, so at least school was out in around two months.

“Okay,” Niall mumbled, sighing sadly. For two years, he waited for this moment. He was near the end of his life, and he was only seventeen. He was meant to be eighteen in September. “I understand sir, I mean, uh, doctor.” Niall stammered. The same man in front of him was the same man who told him ten years ago there was a possibility he would get cancer – and he did, and he was the same man who told him he had cancer.

“I’m sorry Niall, we all knew that cancer went the good way or the bad way, and honestly, I prayed I would be telling you it had a chance of turning good, but it wasn’t.” The doctor had the same sympathetic face he’s had every single 30 appointments Niall has had in the past 2 years and three months.

“It’s fine,” Niall said, trying to sound optimistic about the situation. The doctor shared one final sympathetic look, before exiting the room, and allowing Maura and Bobby – Niall’s parents, who were divorced, but were there for their youngest son. Maura walked in, before noticing Niall’s sad face, and was ready to burst into tears right there. Bobby frowned, allowing his arm to be comfortably placed around his ex-wife’s shoulders, trying not to cry himself.

“No,” Maura said in disbelief. She waited two years, she waited for this date, and she never expected it to actually happen though. “No, no, no. I can’t lose you.” Maura said, and now she was sobbing. She already lost Greg – to schooling and his near-possible-wife. She lost her husband – although years ago – she felt like Niall was all she left, but obviously not.

“I’m sorry,” Bobby said. Niall chuckled sarcastically, knowing his father was apologizing for something that wasn’t even his fault.

“It’s fine dad, let’s make the best month, ever.” Niall said, being his usual cheery self again. His smile was happy, but his eyes were sad.


The next day, was something Niall said was a miracle. Harry Styles, the school’s biggest dork – in a cute and endearing way – and the clumsiest nearly 6-foot person Niall has met, actually tripped onto him – literally. Harry Styles, with the pointy shoes, and the tight jeans, and the awkward smile, actually bumped into Niall Horan. And that was when Niall freaked out.

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