First Dance {au)

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“Hey, so there’s a dance in a few weeks,” an awkward Harry said, while Niall hid a smile, “and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” Harry questioned.

Niall was the only other, well, openly homosexual in their secondary school, and Harry might have liked him, and he really hoped Niall liked him back.

“I’d love to.” Niall replied, a happy smile on his face.

Niall was more than okay to accept Harry’s question, because he too, liked Harry. Niall was hoping he wasn’t blushing, but he could actually feel his face flush red. Harry smiled a smile full of happiness, and of course, his dimples.

“Oh thank goodness, I thought you were going to say no.” Harry whispered, suddenly hugging Niall as if his life depended on it. Niall let out a giggle, as he took in Harry’s hug. Harry smelled of something, something sweet, and that’s all Niall wished he could smell forever.

“I’d never say no,” Niall whispered, and it caused shivers on Harry’s body. Niall’s head did what it usually did, it nuzzled into Harry’s neck. And Harry wished he could stay there forever, but obviously, school is not the best place to wish you could stay forever.

“Mr. Horan, Mr. Styles, it’s time for class.” A teacher said, as they were walking towards their classroom.

Harry mentally pushed himself off a cliff, wishing school didn’t exist at that moment. And maybe he’d take Niall with him.


I’m sick still. I’m sorry, I can’t go to the dance tonight. :( x” Niall texted Harry, with an actual frown on his face as he sent the text message. He was sick still, after a week of sleeping and multiple soups made by his dad – as his parents were divorced and his mum moved away.

Niall was nearly better, but he got horrible headaches whenever he tried going outside. And he thought that going to a dance wouldn’t help either.

Aww beau, get better. I’m missing you though xx.” Harry replied, and he also had a frown on his face.


“Niall, I’m going out, just call me if you need something.” Bobby shouted, as he was leaving the house.

“Okay dad.” Niall shouted back.

“Niall, someone’s here!” Bobby shouted, and Niall was confused. He never heard of anyone coming to visit.

Niall walked down the stairs, and saw his father wasn’t there, but Harry. Harry stood there in his usual clothes – which dramatically changed from when they first met. He was wearing tight, and he means really tight, skinny jeans, that were dark black. He wore a black shirt, that wasn’t as dark as his jeans.

“Harry, what are you doing here?” Niall questioned as Harry walked towards him, with a cheeky grin and a nice thing of flowers – which somehow smelled like Harry. “Are these for me?” Niall questioned, taking the flowers, as Harry blushed. “Aren’t you lovely.” Niall teased, pushing Harry’s shoulder lightly, as he giggled.

“Um, yeah, I had this planned since I asked you to the dance… And well, who was I to waste a good plan.” Harry said, smiling, his dimples more intended than ever.

“Wow, thanks, but why are you here?” Niall questioned. His head tilted, as he was confused why Harry didn’t tell him he was coming either.

“Oh, well you couldn’t go to the dance, so I thought I’d come here.” Harry said, biting his bottom lip as he smiled.

“Aww, aren’t you wonderful.” Niall teased, “but my dad said I should sleep, so, you should go…” Niall said, almost sadly.

“No, no, I just want a dance.” Harry said, “remember, you said you’ve never slow danced before, I just wanted to be your first dance, and I thought it’d be more special on this day.” Harry added.

“You’re a true romantic, aren’t you?” Niall teased, “of course, I’d love you to my first slow dance.” Niall said, a happy grin placed on his lips.

Harry grinned as he grabbed his iPhone for music.

“I know you love Michael Bublé, so I picked this song especially for you.” Harry said, as Michael Bublé’s version of Save the Last Dance for Me started playing, and Niall blushed. “Come on, I’ll teach how to slow dance.” Harry joked, joining his hand with Niall’s, as he pulled him closer. “My mum taught me how to slow dance, said something about how I’ll need it for the future.” Harry whispered, as Niall was now in front of him.

“Mamma’s boy,” Niall teased. Niall giggled as Harry twirled him. Niall giggled more when Harry twirled him into a hug. Instead of slow dancing, they were now hugging, but their feet moving to the music.

“Hey, my mum got remarried, so it did come in handy.” Harry murmured, as he pulled from the hug, lacing his fingers with Niall’s.

“Well, I hope it comes handy in the future.” Niall whispered, as his fingers played with Harry’s gently. Niall was staring at the difference in their hands. They were nearly the same size, but Harry’s were somehow smoother. Niall’s were calloused, from playing guitar a lot.

“Like what kind of future?” Harry asked, bringing Niall’s face to an angle where he could see Niall’s eyes.

“Like when we get married.”


“You may now kiss,” the priest said, as Harry gladly brought Niall into a loving kiss.


I'm going to be an asshole and end it there, sorry. I was going to finish it with the full wedding, but to be honest, I think it's more fun to have you imagine what else would happen at the wedding. I assume that their song wouid be Save The Dance, and wow. They'd have a cute wedding, wouldn't they?

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