Brother {od} part one

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Harry's POV⎯

All I ever wanted was a brother. That’s all I ever wanted. My mum always said, “Harry you and Gemma are all I need,” and that was the end of the discussion.

That dream changed though. One July, I met four boys and they were bound to be my new brothers. Louis, my older childish brother, Zayn my older quieter brother, Liam my more responsible brother who was corrupted by Louis later on, and Niall my older Irish-guitar-loving brother.

Then four brothers changed to three, because my feelings changed for one. One day, in 2013, my feelings changed. Suddenly I didn’t only want to hug Niall, but kiss him.

It all started with jealousy. I stupidly got jealous of Niall going on a date, it was just a date, why would I be jealous of a stupid date – because I had hidden feelings for him, that’s my answer.

I remember that day clearly, “Hey, do I look good?” Niall asked. I looked up from my phone to see Niall was fixing his hoodie in the mirror. “Sure,” I said, not knowing why he was asking.

“Good, because I have a date tonight.” Niall said, fixing his hair now. For some reason, my heart broke up at the words, but I ignored it. “With who?” I asked.

“Just some person,” Niall said, not mentioning any names. That’s what through the jealousy off more. “Like who?” I asked, almost nagging him to spill it.

“Just some person.” Niall said, “I have to go though Harry, see you later.” Niall said, leaving their shared hotel room.

That’s when I knew my feelings were a different kind of love. That’s when suddenly I noticed Niall differently. Suddenly I was more interested in how his hair looked. In what kind of laugh he had. In what kind of tone he was using. In what shade of blue his eyes were – something that could never be described.

That’s when I was no longer straight. That’s when I could never be seen as a ladies’ man again. That’s when Larry was actual bullshit to me too, because I wasn’t in love with Louis – at all. That’s when I began worrying.

What if Niall wasn’t gay

What if Niall didn’t love me back

What if my mum freaked out

What if fans didn’t like the idea

What if fans loved the idea

What if I didn’t actually like him

What if I had to fake date someone

Everything ran through my head. The only person I really talked to about my feelings was Lou, not Louis, but Louise. She would listen to me while she fixed my hair or applied my make-up. She would make sure Niall wasn’t around when I was spilling my feelings. She was the one who helped me ‘come out’ to my family, and now the band and our crew.

“You’ll be okay,” Lou said as she comforted me, before I was gathering everyone around to tell them. It’s been almost three months since I started liking Niall, and I was ready to tell everyone I was gay.

“We’re here,” Louis said, walking in with the boys behind him. A few seconds later, more heads popped in, and it was our bodyguards. More people pilled in, the room was just big enough to fit us all in.

I stood in the center of the room, with Lou’s hand on my shoulder.

“I have something to…err…say.” I said, not knowing how I was wording this. “It’s been going through my head how I was going to say this, for almost three months…” I said, trailing off, waiting for the next words to come out.

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