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Romans P.O.V

I held Grace tightly as her knees weakened under her.

I had seen her running and pulled over, ready to stop her. I saw how she ran in to traffic and didn't even look back. How a car had nearly flattened her and my heart had stopped and time stood still for that split second.

I held her tighter as she cried in to my shirt. I looked at the direction she came and saw a group of people walking away and a police car.

Grace has been in trouble with the law before, surely she wasn't running away from them? But I have seen her records, she had been charge with resistance.

The police car came closer and pulled up in front of my car, on the wrong side of the road.

"Is she alright?" The officer called out from his window before opening the door.

I looked down at Grace as her cries died down. "Uh I think so." I told the officer. I had no idea what had happened.

"It looked like she was being harassed by a group of delinquents. They are known to hang around here."

I thanked the officer for intervening the scene and put Grace in the car.

She had stopped crying, but she still let out a sob every now and then.

I drove away from there and drove for several minutes, sneaking looks, before actually speaking.

"Are you okay?" I asked her softly.

I thought I saw her nod. "No. Pull over."

"I can't pull over." I checked out around me for traffic.

"Pull over!"

I swerved to the left and parked the car in the ditch next to bushland on the small motorway.

Grace jumped out ran.

I followed, calling her, but she didn't go far.

She bent over and spewed. I went to her and stood behind her holding her hair back.

Grace breathed heavily before standing upright. I took her back to the car and we took off again.

She was quiet and I thanked every God out there that she was safe.

I don't know what I would do if that officer never turned up. I couldn't even think of it. Grace was pale as she stared right ahead.

"I'll take you home." I said to her as she replied nothing back.

I took my time as I headed for the suburbs. Grace just sat there. I slowly pulled up to her house. I got out off the car and went around to Grace's side, opening the door for her.

She slowly got up and I walked her to the door. But she didn't open the door or knock.

She turned to me, a hollow look on her face and I felt so guilty that I was a part of the reason for that look.

"I'm sorry." She said to me. I was stunned. "I'm sorry for not listening."

The last thing she needed was someone to say I told you so.

"No, I was too harsh."

Grace shook her head. "There's a reason for it. I never saw the world that bad before."

I gaped at her. Doesn't she watch the news? The rapists and murderers out there?

"Thank you for bringing me home." She said as she looked at the wooden door.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded at me, even flashed a small smile. "I'll see you 9am Monday?"

I cleared my throat. "Sure. Monday."

I left her on the porch as I walked back to my car, but before getting in, I saw her stare at the door. I sighed. She might be there for a while.

I got in the car and watched as the door opened and Grace eventually walked in, taking that as my queue drove off.

I feel so grateful for that officer, stopping that group of men.

My heart raced every time I thought about it. My blood boiled. That was too close to home as well.

But Grace said she would see me Monday. Does that mean at work?

I hope so.

I felt slightly better as I went home.

I did have something planned for her but, circumstances change.

I pulled in at home and got my laptop and paperwork before heading in to work.

After I got there and settled in to the office, I had Katie call on Julian, requesting him to come up.

It took a while as I sat there patiently waiting.

I had on my slacks and shirt, but I didn't wear a jacket or tie today.

I heard the knock on the door as it opened and Julian strode in.

"Please sit." I told him, putting on my business face.

"Wait, before I do, I want to say if this is any thing to do with a business deal I refuse right now, otherwise my wife will put me in my grave. Then Grace will. "

I wanted to laugh at that. I believed she would, but I cleared my throat instead.

"Please, sit." I offered. "This isn't a business deal or calling."

Julian sat down, a nervous look on his face.

"What would you wish to discuss?"

"Firstly, your previous job."

Julian paled more.

"Julian, I believe since you have paid back what you owed, you should no longer be on probation. But I didn't call you up here about that."

Julian stayed quiet but kept listening. The next thing I said surprised him but I also saw some anger across his face.

"I want to talk about Grace."


This is the last chapter in Needing Grace.

I had to split it because the chapters kept getting jumbled and it's a frustrating manner.

To find the rest of the story, I will be slowly publishing Having Grace.

Until then, LJ.

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