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I had left Roman in my office while I went to the marketing department again.

Thankfully he was gone when I returned. I felt really proud of myself on my minor victory.

I heard a phone going off and dug out mine, looking at the screen. Who's this? I asked myself while frowning.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mrs Parker! It's Isabelle Smith, from Stopping Hunger."

"Oh hi Isabelle. How are you?" I asked as I smiled in to the phone.

"I'm good, thank you for asking. The reason for my call is, next weekend, we are holding a garden party for our lovely clients, such as yourself."

"How nice!" I've never done anything like a garden party before.

"I would like to personally invite you."

Oh wow! "Really?" My smile widened. "I would love to attend."

"I'll send you an email with the details."

"That would be fantastic!"

I thanked her again and hung up. I was getting excited, until I thought of Roman. My heart dropped.

He won't let me go. It was next weekend.

I sighed. Okay, Gracie, think. I said to myself. "If I behave between now and then, maybe I can go." I whispered to myself as I opened my emails.

I printed off the email and folded the paper, putting it in my purse.

But it was so hard not to fight with Roman. He winds me the wrong way. Pushes all the wrong buttons. He crawls under my skin.

Before I knew it, the afternoon had arrived. It was only Thursday and I only had one day of the week left before I was trapped in that cold house with Roman.

He had told the security at the gate that I couldn't leave without my driver or him. I hate gated communities. Every security officer that manned a gate knew.

Then the office phone rang and I picked it up without thinking. It usually means Katie. And Katie means Roman.

"Mrs Parker, Mr Parker has requested for you to come up."

"Please tell Mr -"

"I can't, he won't accept anything else. I can't repeat anything you say. Please don't swear at me."

I heard Katie's pleading. "Okay." I sighed. "Put me through to Roman."

Katie was more then happy to oblige.

"Yes?" Came Roman's voice.

"No." I hung the phone back up. It took a second for me to click that what I just did was the exact opposite of what I told myself.

Letting out a grunt, I got up and went to the elevator. Stupid Grace! I slapped my forehead.

"Toni, I'll be up at Mr Parker's office. You can finish up at four."

Toni nodded as she went back to, well, I don't know. Why did I need a receptionist? I guess she makes a good coffee. She is nice, and friendly.

I stepped in the first elevator and pressed the button I was hating the most.

I leaned up against the glass mirrors as I watched the digits climb up, higher and higher.

"Okay, Grace. Behave. Just agree with him. Don't fight. If I have a slightest chance of attending this party, I will need to behave."

I took a deep breathe and released it. The doors opened and I stepped out. I went straight to Katie's desk.

"I'm sorry if I have ever put you in an awkward position, Katie." I apologised to her.

She gave me a small smile and then I felt better about how I had treated her. I don't usually snap out at people unless they did wrong by me. Katie had done no wrong by me, she was just doing her job.

I knocked on the door and opened it. Roman was at his desk and looked surprised that I had came up. But then he smirked as I sat on the chair.

"I'm surprised you actually came up." He barked before closing his laptop.

I wanted to say something witty. But I kept my mouth shut.

"I'm done for the day."

And..? Why would Roman check in with me?

"Get your stuff."

"What?" I gasped.

"I didn't mumble." He snapped as he stood up and put his coat on. "Go and get your stuff."

"I, I'm not -"

"Yes you are. You can finish whatever it is you do tomorrow."

Don't argue, Grace! "Okay." I let out a defeated sigh.

I turned on my heel and left Roman's office for mine. I got off the elevator and picked up my jacket and shrugged it on.

"Toni, I'll see you tomorrow." I called to her as I picked up my purse and shoved the phones in to it. I had my personal phone and a work phone.

The elevators opened and Roman was standing there, waiting.

I stepped in and turned my back to him, letting the doors close.

They opened again in the parking lot as I walked straight to the car. The look on Roman's face was amusing. He was stunned. Ha! Let him be stunned!

We drove silently back home, and once we were there, I went to the kitchen, looking in the fridge for food. I had missed lunch and I was hungry.

I saw Roman standing in the door way, his arms crossed as he watched me. I flashed him a smile as I took out an apple and bit into it.

"What are you up to?"

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