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I stood outside the building. It was so tall and intimidating.

Roman Empire.

I decided to do my research while at Dean's. A parent company of house planning, estate managements, building companies. An architectural empire.

I gulped and suppressed shudders.

Daddy works in the financial team. They make investments towards other similar companies, they buy out other companies.

I saw my reflection in the windows. I thought I looked the part. I didn't want to work under a man that has comprised my family, making us poor and having no second thoughts about this decision.

I held my head up high and went straight for the elevators. I knew what floor I wanted. I've heard my father say it many times. The thirtieth floor is the place to go if Mr Parker wanted to personally fire you or promote you. It gave a person a sense of dread.

I pushed the button for the thirtieth floor. I could hear my heart beating fast in my chest. The walls of the elevator were mirrors and I found myself checking myself out.

My honey blonde hair swept up in a teased ponytail. I tugged at my jacket and breathed. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this, I chanted in my head.

The doors opened and I stepped out after the elevator sung out what floor I'm on.

I walked straight to the large oak desk where a sharp looking brunette sat, her glasses on the tip of her nose as she looked at something.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a quick manner.

Okay strength, don't leave me now.

"I wish to see Mr Parker."

"Do you have a meeting with Mr Parker?" She didn't even look at me.

"No, not really."

She peeked over her glasses and her dark brown eyes stared at me. "If you don't have a meeting, you cannot see him."

I looked back at her. "Please tell him Mr Griffin's daughter is here to see him." I told her nicely.

She frowned at me. "Are you, by any chance, Grace Griffin?"

I smiled at her. I went to sweep my hair but I resisted. "Yes. Yes I am."

The lady blinked several times. "Please take a seat." She grinned back at me.

I went to one of the comfortable one seated sofas at the other side of the room.

The lady stood up and rushed from behind her desk as she knocked on the large double doors near where I sat.

She slipped inside and closed the doors. I sat there, waiting. I wanted to fidget with my phone, the end of my ponytail, tap my foot do something that helped speed the time up, but I didn't. I sat still, up straight and proper. My legs crossed at the ankles, my hands resting in my lap, my bag next to my feet.

I tried to remain calm as my heart went faster and faster.

I gripped my fingers to stop the slight shaking. You're half way there, Gracie. I told myself. I can't live in the conditions my parents gave me. I need to have my life and I can't do that without having play money.

It was a good ten minutes before the lady reappeared, slipping back to her desk. She didn't look at me, nor did she speak.

I let out a small and quiet sigh. There was a huge sign near the reception desk.

In huge bold letters it said Roman Empire with a time stamp. I may as well read it while I wait.

It stated when the company started, what companies it parents with the years of those companies take overs or openings.

He had a lot more on this wall then his website. There were building companies, architecture businesses. Even some small designer houses. I wonder if the representing heads of these companies are here too, I thought.

I looked over the lady's head at the clock. I've been here for thirty minutes. Is he deliberately making me wait?

Then it had me thinking, who is Mr Parker? Was he some old cranky man, with a bald patch on the top of his head? Was he a cynical widower? Was he a greedy old timer, due to retire but refused to? Did he have beady eyes? A sadistic face?

This is how I pictured Mr Parker.

"Ms Griffin, Mr Parker will see you now."

I stood up with my bag. My heart had only stopped thumping in my chest from boredom, but it started again.

"Thank you." I smiled at her and headed to the doors she went to earlier. It had to be his. It had a gold plaque on there, in fancy but bold letters, Mr. R. Parker.

I held out for my sighing as I stepped closer. My hand on the handle as I turned it. Nearly there, I said to myself.

I kept my back ram rod straight as I walked confidently in to the very large office. No wonder it took that lady so long in here, what a hike just to get to his desk!

I closed the door and went straight for the large desk.

Mr Parker's head was down and I couldn't see his face. But he didn't have a bald patch in his hair. He had thick golden brown hair. He didn't look that old either.

My previous thoughts of what Mr Parker looked like faded.

I finally reached the desk and smiled, extending my hand for a handshake.

Now or never, Gracie.

"Good morning, Mr Parker. I'm Grace Griffin and I wish to speak to you about my father."

➡️The pictures are basically there for me to get a grasp around what sort of clothes Grace would be wearing.

Here is another chapter, enjoy!

Until next time, take care 😊

Needing GraceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant