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Grace's P.O.V

It has taken me a week to get the courage up to do this. I wore a trench coat in today and wore it most of today too, in case Roman saw me.

I took my hair out and messed it up in the elevator, checking myself in the mirrors until it looked close enough to what I had imagined.

I opened his door and closed it, unbuttoning my coat and dropping it over the chair I passed.

Now I'm sitting on his desk, smiling seductively at him.

I had crossed my legs, my hand ready to snap his laptop shop when I saw his eyes move.

They wondered up my leg.


He stared a bit longer at my breasts then what I would have liked, but it's working.

Thank you to my bra, the best padded push up bra ever!

I saw Roman swallow as I also saw the hunger in his eyes.

I looked down at Roman, smiling.

Don't slip now, Gracie! It was actually Dean's idea to do this when I told him about the garden party on Saturday.

I had to message him about it though, I wasn't game enough to talk about it aloud.

"Hi Roman." Yes! My voice didn't shake.


He faltered! It's working.

"I was thinking," I tilted my head to the side. Yes I hate playing the blonde stereotypes, but it does help me. "That maybe, we," I had to say we, it was the only way I had a higher chance of getting a yes. "I don't know, maybe do something."

Roman didn't answer me and I wasn't sure if I still had him under my spell. I leaned forward and teased at his tie.

"Just, you and me." I whispered to him. "This past week, I've been soooo," I looked down deliberately before looking back in to his eyes. "Lonely." I gently bit the bottom of my lip.

I saw him swallow again. Yes! I could see his hunger building in his eyes. Roman tilted his body and chair towards me more.

That's it, take the bait.

I looked down at my hand as I took his tie, pulling him forward. "Well?" I breathed on to him, my heart pounding. Come on Gracie, you've started it, play a little with with your food, get him to soften, then go for the kill.

I felt a hand glide up my thigh, his fingertips just under the hem of my mini skirt. I played with my fingers on the collar of his shirt as I bit my lip again. "What do you say?"

I felt another hand on my other thigh as I smiled a bit wider, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What do you have in mind?" Came his lowered dark voice.

I wanted to shiver, I think I'm over my head here. I've gotten too far carried away.

"I was thinking, maybe, tonight, we could start by having dinner together." I answered him softly as his hands went up my sides.

As he proceeded to do that, Roman got up off his chair slowly, leaning towards me.

I leaned back, making sure I had my girls pointed towards him as Roman moved his laptop and other items out from behind me.

He kept coming closer and I could feel myself slowly freak out, but I kept smiling at at him as I eventually was flat on my back on his desk.

Roman's hands went to my arms and held them above my head as I tilted my head to the side, letting out a moan. I didn't plan for that!

He held both my hands in one of his and his free hand glided over my neck and cupped my chin, making me look at him.

But now I couldn't see any hunger or lust in his eyes. They were cold. Oh no! What's happened? I asked myself.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with tomorrow's garden party, would it?" He whispered at me, his nose barely touching mine as I froze.

"Gar - garden party?" And there goes my confidence, as it left me and slammed the door behind it. The only thing left behind was the fake smile on my face.

Roman smirked as he kept on top of me. "Nice try, princess."

My face erased the smile and went to a full pout. I pushed Roman off me as I grunted and I sat up, Roman went back to his chair.

"You are so heartless!" I yelled at him as I swung off his desk. I could hear him laughing as I angrily put on my coat. "You are a horrible person!" I cried as I went to the door.

"Be ready to leave at 4!"

"Screw you!" I yelled over my shoulder.

I opened the heavy door, ready to step out when I heard Roman say, "In that case, I think we should skip dinner tonight then." While he still laughed. I slammed the door and went to the elevator.

"Mrs Parker?" I heard Katie but I ignored her as I grew impatient for the doors to open on the elevators so I used the fire escape.

How dare he laugh at me! I was nearly done too! All I had left to say was that I was wrong, throw in a fake sorry and mention my behaviour and then ask for tomorrow.

I was even willing to actually sleep with him!

"Ha!" I said to myself. "Fat chance he has. That will never happen!"

I wiped the fat tears off my cheeks as I stomped down the concrete stairs.

How can some one be so, so, him?

How did he know about tomorrow?

I don't know if it was my vision being blurred, or my ankle giving out or my heel breaking off, maybe all three, but what I do know is, concrete hurts.

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