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Grace's P.O.V

I had successfully gotten up, got dressed and left the house without waken Roman.

I drove away, needing some time to myself. I had my gym bag in the car, trying to decide to go to the gym or rock climb. I know I've yet to go to my parents place, but not yet.

After a take away coffee I decided on the gym. It was only seven and the gym would be open.

After I had a full on workout, mainly the punching bag, I showered and got dressed, heading to my parents.

I felt so much better. All I did was pretend I was flogging in to Roman. I felt lighter as I pulled in to my parents.

"Mum? Dad?" I called out.

"The kitchen!" Mum answered me. I stepped closer and the smell of pancakes came through the air.

"Hi." I smiled as I walked in. Mum and dad were at the table and so was Hope. I went over and hugged her. "I miss you." I said as I pulled away.

I sat with them and joined in on breakfast. "How's work, dear?" Mum asked me.

"Good." I kept my head down as I ate.

"Slow down! There is plenty for everyone." Hope laughed at me.

"Sorry. I'm famished."

"By the looks of your hair, you've been at the gym." Hope said as she pulled on my hair.

"Yeah, full hardcore punching session."I muttered under my breathe.

"Oh no." She grinned at me. "Who were you flogging in to this time?"

"The gossip mags?" Mum joined in.

"They didn't have the matching purse to your shoes?" Hope giggled.

"Bad hair day?" Gee, thanks mum.

"Maybe someone commented meanly on one of your posts." Hope was at a full on laugh.

Dad didn't join in. He looked how I felt.

"Laugh all you want." I shrugged at them. It is true, I do tend to loose my temper over that stuff.

Dad leaned over to me and whispered, "Roman?"

So he was joining in. I rolled my eyes at him and that was the answer he needed to know he was correct.

Hope helped mum clean up as I packed some more of my stuff in to the car and came back inside to find my father in the lounge room.


"Yes Gracie,"

"I want to apologise about what Roman did." I felt the anger boil up in me.

"There's no need for that. It was my bad decision and now I have to suffer the consequences."

"But daddy!" I kept my voice down low. "Not him threatening you!"

"Sweetheart. He is my boss. I screwed up. I still owe him money."

"Gracie. I can handle it. You've already got so deep in it. I had you married to him just to save my own skin."

"I agreed as well." I took my father's hand. "I want to help. If he is using me for collateral, once the full amount it paid, then I can go, right?"

"I hope so. He keeps changing the rules."

I stared at him wide eyed. "Changing the rules?"

Dad sighed. "Yeah. He told me his intentions after you got married. Now not a single cent you are earning is helping."

My faced paled. "What?" I whispered. I got up off the sofa. I didn't hear anything else that was said. I snatched up my bag and went to my car.

"Grace?" I heard mum yell out, but I got in and drove straight to Roman. He better be home!

I sped through the gate and screeched out front of the house, getting out and slamming the door.

I opened the door and stormed straight up the stairs to the study.

I let myself in.

Good he is here. "How dare you!" I slammed the study door as he stared up at me.

"How dare you break your word!"

Roman kept an emotional blank face.

"You are basically holding me hostage!"

Roman cleared his throat. "Are you done?"

"No!" I stomped my foot. "The deal was I help my father pay back what he owes you by allowing me to work and being married to you!"

Roman didn't look away in shame. "What's the problem?"

"After telling my father that I'm here for collateral reasons only, I find out that my pay won't contribute to him at all."

Roman kept silent.

"That's bad business! You can't go back on your word!" I yelled louder at him.

"You have ruined everything! You have ruined my life! My parents lives! You are making them sell my childhood home! The house I grew up in! The only place where I feel safe and you are taking that away from me!"

Roman didn't stop looking at me. He didn't talk, just stared at me with a dark look on his face.

"How much more does my father owe you?" I yelled at him.

"1.1 million."

Ah! He talks!

"How long till it's all paid off?"

"That's up to him."

I was so angry at him. "When he has paid it off, then what?"

"You can go. I'll be more then happy to give you a divorce, doll."

That made me worse. "Oh, I can't wait for that day!" I cried at him. "I'll throw the biggest party while at it, dragging your beloved company through the dirt!"

"And I'll sue you for defamation."

He was so cold! So arrogant and selfish.

"You are a horrible person! You can sit there and be the boss of everyone make them do tricks for your amazement and entertainment, but at the end of the day, you'll be alone! You'll always be alone and lonely."

"Have you finished? I have work to do."

It was like he didn't hear me. That I never said anything. How unemotional is this guy?

"You know what, Roman?"

Roman looked at me quite amused. He wasn't going to answer me.

"Fuck you!"

➡️There's that explosive temper Grace has.

It won't be the end of it too.

Last update for the day. If I have time over the weekend, I will update some more.

Until then take care and enjoy the story.

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