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Grace's P.O.V

I sat in the back seat of Roman's car sulking. How dare he try to keep ordering me around! We aren't married anymore.

I don't have to obey him any more.

I tried to open the door when he closed it, but they wouldn't open. I did a few times and was unsuccessful then moved on to the other back door. Nope, not budging.

I crossed my arms and stared in to the back of his seat as he drove away from Heather's party. I tried the electric windows, but nothing. I kept looking at the seat, hoping it would spontaneously combust.

"Put your set belt on." Roman demanded, but I ignored him, my face in a full pout.

I refused to talk to him or even ask where I was going. Roman just broke Dom's nose! He tackled Dom down the stairs! He threatened Dom!

The alcohol was wearing off and I'm kicking myself for not taking a pill or a joint earlier. At least that way I could enjoy my imprisonment.

I couldn't hold it in any longer, my anger at tipping point. I kicked his seat.

"Don't do that, doll." He said softly as he drove.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled as I kicked it again.

"I'm going to keep calling you that until you stop acting like a spoilt princess, doll."

I screamed at him. "How dare you! I'm acting this way because you broke his nose!"

"He touched you."

I blinked. What?

"So what?" I yelled. I kicked his seat again with my arms crossed. "So what that he touched me."

"You are testing my patience, princess." His voice a bit harsher.

"Don't call me that either!" I spat venomously at him.

"Stop acting like a spoilt princess, doll." Roman repeated himself. I looked out the windows. I couldn't open the doors, the windows were locked and I was trapped.

This isn't the way to my house. Where's the big welcome to the community sign? Where is the old run down church? Where is my street?

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded, looking around franticly.


"No, I'm back that way." I tried to slip in the front seat but Roman put his arm in my way.

"No, you're not." Roman snapped at me, I didn't know if he meant no to getting in the front or to my home but I sat back down.

I looked out the windows again. My heart dropped. The familiar houses and street signs, that fence. That dreaded fence.

"Take me home!"

"I am."

"My home!" I yelled at him.

"Stop it now, Grace." I could tell I was testing his patience.

"Screw you!" I wiped a tear off my cheek as I kicked in to his seat again.

"Last warning princess!"

"I hate this! I hate you!" I screamed as I kicked him again.

Roman pulled the car over with a screech as I leaned forward from the sudden stop and Roman jumped out.

I saw this as my chance to climb over but my door opened and I jumped in surprise.

He still had that murderous look on his face. He lowered his head and slowly entered the car, one arm supporting him on the back of the seat, another at the front as he leaned forward to me, making me lean back.

"Let's get one thing straight, princess." His face so close to mine. "I'm taking you home, you are having a shower, and you will be going to bed." His voice was low and I felt the goosebumps on my skin. "Now be a good girl and keep still. Am I clear?"

I didn't know if I was scared or stupid. Maybe both. But my mouth opened and instead of an agreement, something else came out.

"Fuck you, Roman. Fuck. You."

Roman smirked as he got out off the car and slammed my door.

He climbed back in to the driver's seat and started driving again. It took only another minute or two and Roman pulled up at the house.

I sat there in the back seat, my arms crossed, refusing to get out when Roman opened my door.

I heard him sigh as he pulled my arm and dragged me out.

"Stop it!" I got my wrist out of his grip and crossed my arms again. Roman turned his back to me and closed the car door.

"Get inside." He spoke in a quiet voice, heading towards the house. I stood there frozen.

I wanted to run, run from him, run from this house, run from whatever I was feeling.

But I wanted to run towards it too.

Wait? What? Gracie, get a grip. This man has prevented you from being who you really want to be, I told myself.

But do I really want that any more?

Roman was at the door and turned to see me still where he put me. I watched him go down the step and stride towards me.

I shook my head. I stepped back. But I was too slow on the turning and running.

I felt my hand being filled with another. I looked at it and followed it to its owner.

"Grace, I'm not joking, princess."

Roman pulled me towards him and in one swift move, he threw me over his shoulder.

He carried me in the house and placed me in the bathroom.

"Have a shower and get dressed." He said and slammed the door, making me feel very lost and confused.

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