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Roman's P.O.V

What a day! Just because I'm the boss doesn't mean I need to sign every document. But then, people are weary now, since I've made an example out of Julian.

Good. I want them to fear me.

It was just after eight when I got home. I saw the soft glow of a light on through the window. I groaned inwardly.

Grace is still awake. I avoided the lounge room and headed for the kitchen. I placed my laptop down on the bench when I noticed another one there.

It must be Grace's. I pushed down on a key and the black screen came alive with colour. I turned the light on and saw the camera hooked up to it. The screen had photos on it. Curiously, I bent down to have a look. Some were plants, little bugs and insects, some bigger animals, landscapes. These are the photos Grace had been taking over the past week. I opened one up. It was the ocean. On the west side. The sun setting over the mainland, turning the background and water orange.

I went across. It was a green tree frog, on what looked to be a foot. But the foot and everything else besides the frog was blurred. I opened one of the apps that was minimised. It was also the frog, but this one had brighter green and a darker background.

So she dabbles with photo art as well.

I know I've been nervous about letting her do this social media experiment, but some how I felt more at ease now. Just a bit.

Especially after the marketing reports that I read today.

I turned the kitchen light off and wondered in to the lounge room. The lamp was on and Grace was there, on the couch, half sitting up, gripping a book in her fingers, asleep.

I noticed she didn't cook anything for herself to eat after I told her last night to look after herself.

She must be hungry. Why do I care? This isn't personal. I only did this as leverage on Julian's payments.

That whole marriage for profits was a pile of bull shit. But it sold Julian. Grace was my leverage.

I'll be more then happy to divorce her as soon as Julian finishes paying me off.

I scoffed at the image in front of me. She'll get a stiff neck sleeping like that! Plus she doesn't have a blanket.

Why do I care? I shook my head as I stepped up the wooden stairs. I got dressed in to something more comfortable and laid on my bed.

I placed my hands behind my head and stared at the roof. How is it my problem that she fell asleep there?

Because I married her.

I groaned as I got up and went back downstairs. Grace hadn't moved and I plucked the book out of her fingers.

Immediately her eyes opened. She stared right at me before blinking several times and looking at her surroundings.

I snapped the book shut and placed it in the little bookshelf in the room before turning my back on her and heading up the stairs again.

This time Grace followed and got dressed in the bathroom. She laid down next to me and I rolled my back to her.

I'm going to need to buy another bed. I closed my eyes and tried to stop the thoughts that were whizzing around in my head.

"Thank you, for waking me." Grace whispered in a kind tone.

I could feel her staring at me in the dark but I ignored it. "Roman?" Came her tiny voice.

I pretended I didn't hear her.

"Roman?" She called again as she tapped my shoulder.

"What is it Grace?" I muttered just to stop her tapping me.

She sat up and turned the lamp on. "What is this?"

I knitted my brows together. This?

"Why did I have to marry you?"

I opened my eyes and sat up. "Let's get this straight, Grace. This is a business deal. Nothing more." I laid back down and pulled the blankets up. "Go to sleep."

I felt her shift in the bed and then clicked the lamp off. It took a while, but I finally heard the soft snores from Grace. Occasionally, she would moan or say a word or two, nothing that would make sense.

I laid on my back again and slipped my hands under my head. I had so much work to do yet and I couldn't shake what I needed to do out off my head. It took me even longer to fall asleep.


Grace starts today. I had sneaked out a bit earlier then usual, leaving her asleep in the bed.

I had watched her sleep when I came out of the bathroom, doing up my tie.

She was on her side, an arm off the bed, her hair covering her face as she had rolled all the blankets up in the time I was out of bed.

I shook my head as my phone buzzed.


"Sir, Mr Griffin is here." Katie's voice came through.

I heard the knock and the door opening. A small smirk on my face. Now the real reason to why I have done what I did over a week ago.

I watched Grace's father sit down and I stared at him. There is nothing he can do about this now.

➡️New update for everyone!

I hope you enjoy it. One of three updates


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