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Roman's P.O.V

God, she stubborn! I thought to myself when I drove her to where we will be staying. She didn't want a honeymoon, hell, I didn't either. But I was advised by my lawyers that it would be for the best.

Help boost profits. As soon as some holiday places found out that the infamous Grace Griffin was getting married, my email inbox was getting full. Companies offering discounted stays, others offering free services, such as their spa treatment, or a scuba diving tour. One even offered free meals.

Not that it was needed. I had barely spoken a word to her since that day in my office and then again at our wedding.

I only did this because I was right. It has boosted my sales. But I had something a bit more sinister in my mind too.

We had arrived at a dock and boarded a yacht that I hired. It was only to take us to a secluded island where there will be no one peeping around.

It was the next morning that we had butted heads. I had chosen this place because of the service of internet and phone. It will be next to impossible to call anyone, except in my study.

Only a certain part of the long cabin could maintain it. My study. Where I don't plan on her stepping foot in to.

I got up and went and had my coffee. While I sat at the bench, drinking it, Grace walked out.

I put her in the second room last night and walking off on her.

But now I had to confront her.

She was a mess. Her hair all over the place, her eyes still sleepy as she turned the kettle on and her phone. It was like she never cared for her appearance first thing in the morning, but it made her look more normal.

I saw her frown. Good.

"I can't get anything out here." She snapped her eyes at me and I shrugged.

"I don't want you sharing anything about my private life."

"I won't."

"Let me rephrase that." I spoke to her, keeping my face neutral. "My life is now our life. I want it private."

She opened her mouth to talk. "But, I have fans that..." She looked at me.

"No." I snapped at her. "I'm a private person and I don't want the world to know my personal business."

She looked at me and blinked several times. "You hired me for social media reasons."

"For work. You're not at work."

"This is unfair!" She stomped her foot and I arched an eyebrow.

Oh God. "Let's get this straight, doll, under no circumstances are you to be on this." I took her phone off her as she looked at me in utter surprise.

"Doll?" She spat at me.

I wanted to smirk, but I didn't want to encourage her. "Yes. Because, you're acting like a spoilt brat that plays with dolls."

I watched her storm off before she turned back to me. "What the hell am I suppose to do then?"

I didn't bother looking at her. "Go read a book, go for a hike, I don't know, I don't care." I left the kitchen and went to my study.

I had work to do.

"How come you can have your laptop?" She sneered at me. She sure was acting like a spoilt child. For goodness sake, Julian, how did you raise this girl?

I ignored her as I kept walking, hands in pockets, a smirk on my face.

It's going to take some work, calming her down. After my first discussion with Julian, the next day, I told Grace's mother when she disagreed with me, that I'll pull her out of that party life. It was only then that she agreed.

That meant cutting back on her personal phone. I felt a phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled mine out as soon as I sat down in my study.

But it wasn't mine. I took out Grace's phone and saw the notification. She had a message. I scoffed as I turned her phone off completely. She can wait till we get home.

I groaned. I don't like the idea of sharing my house with her. But then another smirk appeared on my face.

She is going to be in for a shock. It wasn't a large house like the one she grew up in. After I heard that Julian had put his family home up for sale, I couldn't help myself and checked it out online.

It was massive. Mine, not so much. I made myself a minimalist. I liked having as little as possible. I hate having stuff that is not needed. When I run out of room on my bookcase, then I buy another. I don't buy them for decorations. That went for all things I purchase.

My mother loved having rooms cluttered with furniture, not me.

I stared out the window towards the beach. There was a bit of a walk before reaching it, but still close enough to smell the water.

That's when I saw Grace, walking carefully past me. She didn't notice me as she looked around her as she took every step cautiously.

I noticed the clothes she wore and I raised my eye brows. I've only seen her a couple times, each time she was in fancy brand name clothing. But now, she was just denim shorts, thongs, a baggy shirt and a floppy sun hat with something around her neck.

She turned slightly, checking behind her and I realised it was a camera. She was holding a little black bag.

I watched with tilted head as she slowly crouched, putting the camera to her face.

She was taking a picture, but I couldn't see what the subject was.

She did say she was good with a camera, but I'll be the one to decide that.

I turned my head to the glowing laptop and went back to my work.

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