"You will get more when you have earned my second call," I smirked into a devilish yet seductive way biting my lips.

"You will keep me tormented like this? Till then?"

"Yes absolutely, so you have something to look forward too."

He laughed. "You temptress..."

"My pleasure " I smiled.

I was about to leave when he stopped me," mind doing anything about my shirt?"

He tossed me his torn shirt.

"Sorry about that." I smiled with guilty pleasure. "You can go like this only, you got the package."

"You're kidding me" he laughed.

I nodded no.

He face looked conflicted now.

I laughed," you can choose any shirt you like from the drawer in the left of you." I pointed out it.

He opened it.

There were all types of men shirt kept nicely. All very high branded.

"Does your boyfriend or brother live here too?"

"Nope, I don't do boyfriend. And I am a single child." I replied.

"Then..." I knew what he was going to ask me.

"It's a spare. I am always prepared if you guys needed a pair."

"You're a busy woman I presume then"

"You can think what you like, but in my point of view, I like to be one step ahead all the time. May it be in business or sex" I replied confidently.

He got dressed.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"You are aa well-recognised model and an actress. Then why did you rejected Mr Hardlin's offer, to be the face of his company products? I mean you know he is a very high and influential person. He can bring down your image is he wants..? I am sure you're aware of the competition."

"Well, there is an easy and simple answer to this question." I chuckled.

"And that is...?" He raised an eyebrow to me.

"Because I can" I flicked my hair.

"Really?" He was not satisfied with my answer.

"Okay, it's not the only reason." I said undress and getting into a bathrobe.

"What the reason then?"

"He is not desperate to have me when he does, he will do anything to have me" I smiled with a mischievous face. "I love the chase"

I heard the car honk from downstairs. "Your car is here"

He got up "Thank for the lovely time I had last night." He said.

"My pleasure, Adam." I smiled.

"Well, then next time."And we did the last kiss goodbye.

I went to the shower and got ready. I wore simple clothes cause I had to change when I go to shoot.

I came downstairs and sat at my dining table. The servants have already prepared my breakfast as I don't like to wait.

While eating my eyes fell on the newspaper. The front page was filled with a big photo of Ashton Hardin.
I put my fork on the plate.

"There goes my apatite."

I took the newspaper in my hand and threw it in the dustbin.

I got up and went to my car. I got in.

"Where to Ma'am?"

"The Forward Studio."

The driver started the car.

As I was going through the line of my new movie role, my phone buzzed.

It was from Chris Hardin. The words "Hardin" give me an irritated feeling.

I opened the text.

Are we on for tonight?

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Are we on for tonight?

Yes definitely. I typed.

What time should I pick you up?

Around 8 pm should be good. I typed.

See you then beautiful. ;)

Sure handsome 💋 I typed.

I closed the text.

I hated Hardin's. I mean just to hear their name is horrible. Chirs is nothing like his brother Ashton though. I mean yeah he is a charmer but that not the issue. The person I hate the most is ASHTON HARDIN.

Every bone in my body despises him.

Putting Chris under my charms was easy. The most important part is getting Ashton. I want him wrapped under my little finger so that I can destroy him. I knew if I go with Chris he will come to seek me out. And that's shows how desperate he is to pull me down.

I smiled. I love this chase.

I will take whatever he holds dear. His fame. His wealth. His hope. His strength. Heart. Everything. And destroy it.

I want him down on his knees and atone for his sins.

I want him down on his knees and atone for his sins

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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