Chapter 16: Memory

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~(Y/N)'s POV~
I chase my cousin around the house playfully. I tackle her to the ground and I ended up being on top of her in a choke hold. "Oops! Sorry" I said and got off. Shira, my cousin, gasped for air and glared at me. I put my hands up in defeat with a nervous smile. Shira gets up and sticks her tongue out before walking away. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. I look outside to see it raining. I sighed and put my forehead to the window. A tear rolled down my face while I remember my own best friend being killed in front of me.
"Kyler!" I yelled while walking around the burning village with tears going down my face. "Kyler!" I yelled again "(Y/N)!" I hear Kyler yell over the windy night. I smile when I saw him but it soon fell when a knife went threw his stomach. I felt my heart shatter like glass falling off of a table. I screamed and did nothing but fell to my knees. I watch as Kyler fell onto his side and a man with a bloody knife stood before me. He was all black. He had black smoke all over him. He had a stupid smile. I felt rage and blast at him but he disappeared after the smoke cleared. I ran to where Kyler was and see him lying there, holding his stomach and breathing heavily. My breathing start going quick and I kneel down "K-Kyler..." I whimpered and held his cheeks. He smiled up at me "h-hey (Y/N)....before I go I have to tell you something that will hopefully help you threw your life....Don't give up until the e-end...b-because at the's all worth it...." He said in his final breathe and closed his eyes. I staid there in shock and horror until finally, I screamed. Rain starts dripping down making the fire disappear. People start coming out of their hiding places and walked where I was. Seeing their own future chief crying over a best friend. People start crying and hold eachother. My family pushed threw the crowd and so did Kyler's. Once they we're out, they stood there, letting tears come out. "I will see you in the spirit world in someway Kyler...I promise" I whispered between sniffs.
I sighed and looked up at the sky. I haven't found a way to see him unless it was my time. "(Y/N)..." I hear Serphina said and I spun around to see her standing there with a sad face "your thinking about that day huh?" Serphina said sounding sad. I look down and nod. Serphina sighs and walk to me. She brings me into a hug. I hug back while letting tears fall down my face. Serphina rubs circles on my back "I know it's tragic...but you have to be strong, for him, for everyone" Serphina said softly while rain starts dripping onto the window. It took me a few minutes to speak "ok...I'll try" I said and wipe my tears. Serphina smiles down at me before getting up and walking out of my room. I grab my phone and look at Luna's contact. I finally decide to text her.

Hey Luna...
Hey (Y/N)! How you doing?

I could see her smiling

Not so good....I'm upset about a memory
Why? What happened? I'm coming over
No! I don't want you to get sick!
Well tough cookies. I'm still coming over

I groan in frustration and put my phone on my nightstand. It didn't take long to hear the doorbell go off. I rush out the door and slid down the railing. I open the door to reveal my wet girlfriend. I let her in and shut the door. As soon as Luna heard the door click she dragged me up to my room. She sat me down onto my bed and close my door. "Ok tell me" Luna said and sat next to me. I told her the memory of Kyler dying. I tried to keep the tears from falling. Luna brings me into a hug and I hug back while crying in her shoulder. Luna rubs my back "shh...calm down, calm down" Luna said softly and I slowly stop. I look up at Luna and kiss her cheek. Luna blushes a little "d-do you think I'll see K-Kyler again?" I said "well I don't know if you'll see him. But I do know he'll be with you in your heart. He doesn't want you to grieve ovee him, right?" Luna said and I sniff "y-yea..." "Then stop grieving, you can remember him but he doesn't want you to grieve over him. Stay strong, ok?" Luna said softly and I smile "ok". Luna smiles back and I lay my head on her chest. "Go to sleep. You need it. I'll be here" Luna said "but don't you need to get home? Will your parents get worried?" I said looking up at her while she laid down and pulled the covers over us "don't worry, my little bro knows and he'll tell them once they get worried or out of control" Luna said and I nod sleeply. I feel my eyelids go heavy and my eyelids slowly close. "I love you" I hear Luna say and I smile slightly "I love you too" I mumbled before I slowly fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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