Chapter 8: Fo Shizzle

Start from the beginning

"What's the matter, LeeLee? Afraid to get a little wasted?" I heard Andrew say to me, and I bit my top lip to stop from letting my anger get the best of me.

"No, Andy, I rather not lose ten years of my life." I replied, and heard Eli snort in the distance. Everyone was holding back their laughter.

"Listen, I'm not even sure I should be here. Actually, I think I'm just gonna leave." I got up from my chair hoping that no one would tell me to stay for longer. I was too afraid of getting caught.

"Such a goody two shoes." I heard Shelby shout my way.

"Listen, barbie doll, I slapped Andrew. I have no problem slapping you." I gave her a fake smile before running down the stairs of the stage, and exiting the auditorium.

"Wait, Lia, wait!" I heard Eli say behind me. I ignored it completely and kept walking faster.

"Eli, I'm not a part of your group. I never was and never will. Stop trying to make it seem like I am." I kept walking, completely frustrated.

"I'm not. I'm just sick and tired of all the fighting. Mason and Drew have been out for each other for years and I'm so sick of it. We all used to be such good friends."

"Why do you have to use me to get to Mason? Talk to him yourself." Was all I said before blocking out what sounded like my name being called over and over again.


"So, how was detention today?" Mason asked me, while I was sitting at the dining table doing my homework.

"Awful. Did you know that Eli and Andrew had the same punishment as me? They're the ones who were more vicious and cruel. Plus, the were instigating."

"They have their ways, Lia. Their parents do all of their dirty work. They get away with almost everything in school." He sat down across from me, shaking his head in disagreement with what he was saying.

"So, actually I need to talk to you about something." I said hesitantly, and his eyes perked up quickly.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well, during detention, the teacher got up and left for and unknown reason. Eli was sitting next to me and he offered for me to go with him somewhere-"

"What did you say?"

"I said sure. He seemed pretty urging when asking me and I didn't want to just have the teacher come back and I wouldn't know what to say."

"What the hell, Lia? Did my horrific speech about them not give you the signal enough? They're bad people. Bad guys. I don't want you talking with them anymore." He shouted, and I jumped at the level change in his voice.

"What else happened?" He questioned me.

"Well, he led me to the empty auditorium, and we sat in a circle. It was me, Eli, Andrew, Shelby, and 2 other guys." I explained, hoping he wouldn't ask me further.

He continued to question me. "That's it?"

"Well, no-"

"Okay, then go ahead." His eyes narrowing as I took a breath to explain more.

"His friends brought beers and weed for us. But-"

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