Broken Soul (⚠️)

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WARNING: This chapter will contain a dark topic suicide, if you are not comfortable with this topic please ignore this chapter, thank you..

Author's POV

Ladybug had finished saving Paris with her faithful partner Chat Noir. "Pound it!" they both fist bumped. A beeping sound was heard, it came from Ladybug's earrings. "Whoops gotta go, until next time kitty!" she used her yo-yo and swung out of there. She headed to her girlfriend's house. She landed on her balcony from her turning back to her civilian form. "Y/n I'm back!"

No response. All she received was silence. She then saw the light on from the bathroom, and on the floor there was blood. From the looks of it, the blood came from the restroom. "Oh no.." she tried opening the door, it was no use it was locked. Tikki flew beside her and went through the door unlocking it. Marinette saw a sight she never in her life wanted to see. Her girlfriend was in the tub, her arm sticking out, her wrists cut open, blood kept on dripping from her wrists. The tub water was tainted red. "Y/n! No please no.." tears started to well up in her eyes. "I'm going to g-get help o-okay" she took her phone out quickly dialing 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" an operator said.

"M-My g-girlfriend c-commited suicide! She's losing a lot of blood!" she said through her tears.

"Calm down ma'am, now calmy, tell me the address"

"I'm in (y/address)" she sobbed.

"Okay stay where you are, an ambulance is on its way" the operator said.

"O-Okay thank y-you" she said as she hung up. 

Soon the ambulance came taking y/n away.  Marinette took her phone out dialing Alya telling her everything that happened. In about 10 minutes Alya arrived, they both arrived to the hospital and went to the receptionist. "Hi,  is (y/n y/ln) here" the bluenette asked.  "Yes,  you'll have to wait until the doctor gives you the news" she said.  Marinette and Alya nodded headed to the waiting room.

Marinette's POV

I started to Pace back and forth as a million thoughts came to mind. What if she doesn't make it? What if the reason why she killed herself was because of me? What if I forget about her? I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, quickly turning around seeing Alya. "Girl, I'm sure she'll get out of this, she'll be okay" she reassured. My eyes were full of tears as I slowly nodded taking her words in consideration. That was when the doctor came.  "Dupain Cheng Marinette?" I got up looking at the doctor. "How is she?" I asked as the doctor shook his head and looked down.  "I'm sorry but she didn't make it. " he said with sadness laced in his voice.  No..  He's joking right? It's a joke. My heart nearly stopped hearing those words.  "Y-Your joking r-right?" I asked as my heart now started racing.  "I really wish I was ma'am but it's true, she didn't make it" he said,  which only made me feel a whole lot worse.  My heart was racing even more now, up to the point where I felt my chest hurting and my breathing become shorter, then I started crying and sweating and getting chills.  My friend looked at me then realized what was going on.  "Get a nurse! She's having a panic attack!" she yelled as the doctor got a nurse and quickly took her in.  She's gone..  I'm all alone.. I was too late..  It was my fault.

6 months later

Author's POV

It has been 6 months since y/n's death. Almost everyone attended the funeral, all except Marinette  since she was in the hospital when it was held due to her panic attacks.  The nurses saw she hadn't had any  in the past few days as she finally let her go home.  As soon as she was let out, she headed to the cemetery looking for y/n's grave.  Once she found it, she sat down taking out a bouquet they had brought to her from when she was in the hospital and placing them near the tombstone.  "Hey y/n, I brought you these flowers..  They were mine but I thought that maybe you'd like them" she smiled a bit trying to hold back tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks.  "I'm very sorry for not making it to the funeral, I was at the hospital because I kept on getting sudden panic attacks..." She bit her bit as a tear rolled down her cheek then took a deep breath. "Ever since I found out you died,  my whole world fell apart..  I-" she took another shaky deep breath.  "I wasn't ready!" The bluenette yelled at the tombstone.  "I wasn't fucking ready..  For you to leave me, I'm all alone and I have no one by my side now.. " she sobbed burying her face to her hands.  "Why did you go?" she asked looking up at the engraved stone.  "Answer me!" she yelled once again, feeling a sharp pain on her chest.  As her voice cracked more.  She banged on the stone and looked down feeling countless tears falling down her cheeks.  "Marinette?" a voice called. The bluenette looked up seeing a blonde boy, with a pair of green eyes. Adrien.  "A-Adrien? What are you- what are you doing out here?" she asked quickly wiping her tears away.  "I came to check up on you..  I heard you scream and got worried.. " he said.  Marinette shook her head  "I'm fine Adrien, I just need to be alone for a few minutes.. Just leave.. " she said looking away from him.  Adrien slowly nodded sadly as he started walking away.  He then stopped on his tracks and decided to wait for her, he couldn't just leave her alone especially like this. "I'm going to miss you y/n.. And I won't ever forget about you and I will always love you" she she kissed her hand then touched the tombstone with the kissed hand smiling warmly.  She headed back then looked at Adrien "Thanks for waiting.. Even though I told you to leave.. " she spoke softly looking down.  "No problem Marinette.. And I'll be here if you need me" he smiled placing his hands on her shoulders.  Marinette looked up at Adrien's Green orbs smiling softly. "Thanks Adrien.. " she said as Adrien walked her home.

Hi guys! Here's a bit of an angsty chapter.

I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving! ❤

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