Chapter 18

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"Alrighty then, princess." He mocks me now, but later he'll be sorry.

He won't be saying that later! My wolf teases me. I just love my wolf.

As we walk through the castle, I admire the beauty surrounding the place. Every wall had a pastel-like color, and there were painting and portraits everywhere. The floor was made up of wood, and it was extremely clean and shiny.

I wonder how many times the servants clean this! My wolf ask.

A lot. I responded, knowing she's going ecstatic at the thought of being in the Royal castle. We were going to meet our parents for the first time since we left.

I feel their wolves near us! We are so close!

I know she is right. We walk into the next room, and guess what it is? It's a fricken throne room!

One day soon you will be sitting on one of those thrones. My wolf says, excitedly.

There are two people sitting on two grand thrones. They are wearing beautiful attire- the woman is wearing a red, fluffy dress and the man is wearing a uniform of sort.

"Hello Mother, Father," I say. They rush forward and hug the living crap out of me. There goes my lungs.

"Eva, we are so glad to finally see you," My mother, the Queen, says. Small, clear tears slowly drip down her face.

"As am I," I reply. I can't believe I'm finally here. If I ignore the pain in my chest caused by Christian, then my life feels complete.

The guard is still standing there, and he is in complete shock. I don't blame him. He mock- calls someone a princess and she turns out to actually be one.

OhThat's right. I am the infamous "Lost Princess". People who don't know what happened to me call me that. My parents went along with that to keep me safe.

"Let us show you to your room!" My mother exclaims! She is seems extremely excited to finally see me.

As we walk through the corridors, I experience a ping of guilt. My un biological parents should be here with me as well. I will always miss them, they raised me to be who I am now.

Finally, we stop at a huge room. The walls are colored a bright white, and the bed is on the left side. It looked to be a king size bed. My mother sits down on the bed, and decides we need to have girl talk.

"Have you met your mate yet?" She asks, as if she was a teenager like me.

"Yup, I got rejected by my first mate and I basically got rejected by my second mate as well." She looked at me in understanding.

"Your father is my second chance mate. I had a similar situation to you, I was sent away at birth and then rejected by an alpha. Thankfully, your father wasn't an alpha then so we got along much nicer." She explained to me. "What's your story?"

"Both of my mate's are alphas. My first mate, Zane, rejected me for my adoptive sister. They were dating before he found me. I was running to Mark's pack to get away when my second chance mate, Christian, captured me as a rogue. I was on his territory and then I broke down because Zane marked Amelia. Then we became mates and I ran away. I made it to Mark's pack and then he called Christian to have him take me back to his pack. Christian took me back and then he wanted me to meet his childhood friend. She was a biatch to me so I said some rude things back and Christian chose her over me." Wow. My Mate life is very confusing.

"Hopefully one of them comes back to you," she says, obvious to what I just explained to her.

"And why would I do that?" I ask, confused.

"So you have less work to do while ruling the kingdom. Duhhhh!" She seems to act like a teenager sometimes- the type that went out to parties every weekend and got extremely drunk!

Don't call our mother an alcoholic! Ariana takes things way to far. When did I call her an alcoholic?

"Haha. He already chose a new Luna for his pack so he obviously doesn't want me."

"Dad and I know you are way too powerful to be a Luna. Don't let him bother you- he doesn't know what a beautiful and smart young lady he's missing out on," My mother replies. I wish they never sent me away- they are awesome. But I understand I had to be kept safe, and the castle wasn't safe then.

"Thank you," I thank her. I'm so grateful that I have a such an amazing family.

"I'm just stating the facts," she says, winking at me. We both start laughing hysterically. "I'll give you some time alone to explore."

"Alright. See you later!"

"Buh-Bye!" She says. Do you see what I meant about the teenager stuff?!!

As I walk out of my room, I am left pondering on where I should go.

To the left, to the left! Everything you own in a box to the left!

My wolf really is my best friend! I follow her advice and turn left. I walk and walk but don't see much. The hallway is colored a deep blue, and there are beautiful paintings on them. My favorite one I saw was of my mom and dad together. They are such a gorgeous couple. I wish one day I end up like that with someone, but with my luck I won't. Christian is going to mark Emma soon and there is nothing I'll be able to do about it.

After a long time of walking, I start to smell apple pie. I run forward and find the kitchen. It's huge- there are 5 refrigerators, 10 stoves, and a million counters!

"Shoo shoo," a cook yells at me. I laugh. "Go to the dining room in 10 minutes if you want this food!"

I'd be totally fine with that, but there is just one problem. I don't know where the dining is.

"Where is the dining hall?"

"Turn back and go to opening in the hallway. Then walk straight."

"Thank you so much!" I thank her and start making my way to the dining room. I really want some food!

It took me a while to get to the dining room- around 9 minutes. As I walk into the dining room, my mother waves me over to sit in between her and my dad.

She puts her spoon in her empty cup and makes a noise.

Ding ding ding.

Her and my father stand up. My father taps me on the shoulder to stand up and I do. 

"We have found the Lost Princess!" My father yells. "Please welcome our daughter, Eva Kingston!" Everyone cheers. "Eva's coronation will be in 3 days time. All Alpha's, Luna's, and Beta's will be invited!!"

My mother now speaks. "Also, we have a new law that will be enforced starting tomorrow. An alpha can only rule with his true mate! This is to stop wars from happening over mates. An alpha can only rule with another person only if his mate dies. Thank you all and good day!"

I feel extremely surprised. I had no clue they made this law. I hope they didn't make it because of me..

"We have been working on the law before we learned of you situation," My mother whispers to me. "A war almost happened over this between two alphas a while ago but we didn't let the news spread. We were able to stop it just in time."

That makes me feel much better.

Author's Note
Hey guys! Thank you for reading my story. I just want to clarify that Eva's last name changed because she no longer was in hiding. Before she came to the kingdom she was Eva Faithenful. Now she is Eva Kingston because she part of the royal family.

<3 <3 <3

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