Chapter 15

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Amelia's POV

"How long have I been here?" I ask the guard. I will make the best out of this situation by.. you guessed it! Annoying the guards!

"Only 2 days," he said. I have a simple plan. I will become friends with him, and hope he'll let me out and save me. It's a long shot and probably hopeless, but I don't want to be here any longer then I have to be.

"What's your name?" I ask, curiously.

"Richard," he replied. He must pity me a lot since I am probably going to be stuck here forever until I die.

"Ooo, Can I call you Richie?"

"Sure," he says. I sigh. At least I've gotten to do one thing on my list of things to do- give someone a nickname.

"Alright then, Richie," I smirk at him.

Eva's POV

"I have two people to introduce you to today," Christian huskily whispers into my ear.

"Alright," I say nervously. I wonder who I am going to meet. I hope they like me for who I am, and not just because I am Christian's Mate.

"Hello, I'm Catie!" an excited girl says to me, squealing. She has brown hair, golden eyes, and an infectious smile. She is s little tan, but not much, and she has pure black glasses. She also is wearing a headband with cat ears on fizz I can't believe people want to be friends with me.

"I'm Eva. It's epic to meet you!" I'm not one to say the normal greeting.

"I know who you are! Everyone does, but I'm the lucky person who gets to meet you since I am Christian's Sister." She gives me a sheepish grin and hugs me. I already like Emma, she is super friendly and I could see her as someone who will earn my trust. It does make me a little bit nervous though, knowing she is m mate's Sister. She will always be some part of Cristian's life, and I do not want her to think badly of me.

Just as soon as I realize Christian left me, I see him walking back towards me. "There is one more person I want you to meet- my childhood best friend."

I immediately get nervous. This person obviously has known Christian a lot longer then me. What if they don't approve of me, or what I have done? Like when I ran away?

"Hey Emma," Christian coolly, like they known each other all their life. I mean, of course he would speak like that to her, they've probably been friends since they were born or something like that.

"Hey Christen," a blond haired girl with blue eyes says. "Is this your mate?" She says frowning at me. I guess she has heard of me running away, but it's not everyday someone gets a second chance mate!

"Yes, I am his mate," I explain to her. That only makes her frown deepen.

"Did I ask you?" She asks, getting aggravated for no specific reason.

"No you did not, but I do not appreciate being regarded to as a 'this'." I bravely say. My hands are shaking. I turn around to leave and walk outside when a voice stops me.

"Wow, you're already going back to doing what you do best, running away from your problems."

Everyone stops and looks at what is going on. I say nothing as I walk towards her, slowly. One step at a time, each foot in front of each other. My head is facing the blacktop on the ground and I swiftly face it up at her while I am only an inch away from her. I point my finger at her and say "You obviously need to get in control of your demons before you start judging others. Maybe I will go take a run, to calm my mind. I've been enough sh*t in my life and I refuse to be blown over by a piece of crap like you."

I turn around and walk a few feet towards woods. I turn my head and look at everyone's faces. Shock. I look for Christian, and find him hugging the b*tch. He looks at me, as if I'm the person who started this all. Maybe Emma was right. Maybe I should go back to running away from my problems. Christian would probably make Emma his Luna and they would live happily ever after like Zach and Amelia did.

I run towards the woods, and when everyone is gone, I shifted into my beautiful wolf. I will always be proud of my wolf, it is gorgeous and fast. Strong but swift. I don't shift into my wolf much. There is a huge secret hidden in my wolf, and it's up to me to keep it a secret..

His Queen's Wrecked Life ✔️ {Sequel Being Written}Where stories live. Discover now