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Hey yo- I'm Claire- the author of this story! Please keep in mind that this is my first book and I'm pretty young so it's not going to be perfect. The first chapters are bad but it is going to get better.The chapters will also get longer unless there is someone's POV that I want to keep by themselves. I have a crazy storyline planned out for this- I hope you can keep up!

Italics- Character's wolf

Bold- mindlink

These got messed up in the first few chapter. I put authors notes to help you guys! When the story is done, I will edit them and fix it!

Ok so all of that got messed up throughout the whole story, sorry.

This used to be My Sister Stole My Mate

Some chapters are edited, I'm slowly doing it

Thank you all so much! I hope you guys like my story! <3

Edit to this:

So this book has really bad writing, especially the first few chapters. I tried editing them (in reality I made them extremely boring and the writing even worse). So sorry in advance! Also you don't have to read the first book to read the sequel, although it makes a little more sense if you do. If you want to read the sequel select the chapter with the title of the second book (lots of scrolling). Thank you all so much for clicking on my story and good luck suffering through my horrendous writing if you decide to abandon my warnings XD <3

**These characters are all fictional and have been created by me!**

His Queen's Wrecked Life ✔️ {Sequel Being Written}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora