25. We chill after we work

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After Michelle was brought home by Ren. Because her father saw that she was clearly tired form wherever she went to, she was allowed to go to bed without any scolding. But the next day she got an earful of scolding from her father. Disappearing to who knows where and missing school. 'I'm sorry dad.' Michelle apologizes. Mister Worthwhile sighs.

'So, this part-time job you found, what is it that you do exactly?' He asks her. 'Well, it's not something dangerous, I just help Ren out with hispart-time job. He helps, uh... his aunt with her work, she's something like a private investigator.' She answers. Please buy my story, please buy my story. Michelle thinks nervously. Her father looks her dead in the eye for quite some time.

'A private investigator? Of What?' Her father asks.

'Well... for government things. For example, if people haven't paid their taxes or something like that. She has to find out who, why and the likes. Ren sometimes helps her.'

      Michelle's father looks her in the eye. She could feel her face warm up. Her father then nods. 'Alright then. You can help them. BUT, no dangerous things which includes no trespassing and or breaking in nor obtaining illegal proof. You're a daughter of a policemen and I can understand that you would like to find bad guys in whatever way you can, but I don't want you to neglect your school nor that you will be put in any kind of exposure to danger.' He says firmly. Michelle gulps and nods.

'I swear dad.' She promises him.

'And one more thing, you can keep working this "part-time job" of yours, ifyou can get good scores for your tests at the end of this semester this week.' He says. 

      Michelle already turned around but hearing about testsmade her froze right on the spot. 'T-tests?' Michelle almost squeaked.

'Yes, you didn't forget, did you? It's almost the end of your second semester. You always get tests at the end of each semester.' Her father says with an almost smug grin. He kisses her on her forehead and walks out of her room, leaving her frozen in horror by the realization she didn't study at all.

      'Oh crap. That sucks for you Miel.' A boy says entering the house through the backdoor with a lollypop in his mouth. He was shorter than Michelle by a roughly 10 cm and like their father he has platinum blond hair. His eyes were like their mother though, an icy blue. He wears some plain Ray Ban glasses with a black frame. Justin is Michelle's younger brother by three years.

'Argh, what do I do. I didn't study at all! Justin, heeeelp.' Michelle jokingly cries and tugs at his sleeve.

'Quit that! Aren't you the older sister, act like an adult or something. Why are you even asking me?!' Justin complains trying to wring the fingers of his sister's hand, whose stronger than him by the way, from his sleeve.

      After a minute went by with sleeve tugging and slapping a way fingers, Michelle finally let go of Justin's sleeve, took a pack of apple juice from the fridge and plopped down at their sofa, sighing deep. 'You still wear glasses? Even if you don't need them?'

Justin touches the frames. 'It makes my daily life easier.' He slightly pouts. Michelle chuckles.

'Anyway, I'm in such trouble. I should have brought some homework with me.' She pouts sipping from the straw. Justin copies her and plops in a matching chair with the sofa, plugging his earphones in and watching videoclips on his phone, sipping indifferently from is pack of juice. 'Why don't you ask bro Ren to help you out? He's smart and you like him.'

'T-that's not TRUE!!!!' Michelle exclaims. Justin glances over at her. 'Whatever you think of him. But he's smart, just asks him.' Michelle wanted to argue with him, but he's right.

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now