3. Mine, hers, his, their, our school

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~ The next day ~

*ring, ring, ring* the sound of an alarm clock goes off. Ren pushes a button to stop the sound. He glances at the time. 06:45 a.m. He climbs out of the bed and stretches. He walks out of his room to the bathroom to brush his teeth and hair, changes his clothes, picks up his back and goes down stairs.

      The smell of baked egg lingers in the living room. He stands in the opening of the door. In front of him against the wall stands a low cupboard. On the wall on his left hand is a big television attached to the wall. Opposite of the television is a white, leather couch for 4 people. On his right is a door to the toilet and further stands the dinner table.

      Ren walks to the space where the dinner table is placed and turns around a corner and stands in the opening of the kitchen. Nate stands by the stove baking eggs. Ren enters the kitchen. 'Morning.' Ren says through his yawn. Nate turns his head to Ren. 'Yo, morn' sleepy head. Sit down at the table, the eggs are almost done.' Nate says. Ren nods and turns back and walks to the dinner table. Nate puts the 2 plates with baked egg and toasted bread with strawberry jam on the table. Ren and Nate both dig in.

'So how did it go with that street that I destroyed yesterday?' Ren asks with his mouth full of toast. Nate swallows his egg before answering Ren.

'The mayor of the city was a little furious, but well, we didn't have a choice. Better a destroyed street than people killed, right?' He asks of Ren's opinion and Ren nods approvingly.

      He glances at the clock that hangs on the wall above the cupboard. 07:15 hour says the clock. Ren quickly swallows the last bit of his breakfast, brings the plate to the kitchen and goes to the hall to get his shoes and coat. He puts his shoes, coat and bag on and opens the front door. 'Later Nate!' He shouts to him. Nate mumbles something back with a mouth full of eggs and toast that sounded like: see ya.

Ren's house is somewhere halfway on the foot of the mountain. It takes 15 minutes to walk from the house to the bus station at the foot of the mountain, and another 15 minutes from the bus station to the bus station close to school. From there it takes a walk of another 15 minutes.

Ren boards the bus. He finds an empty seat in the back of the bus and sits down. He takes his phone out of his pocket and turns it on. 4 WhatsApp messages immediately appears on the screen.

*Morn'* *Are you on your way?* *Where are you?* *I'm waiting for you at the usual place            (・ω・)*

They say. Ren looks at the name of the sender. It says [Michelle Worthwhile]. Ren smiles. He sends a message back.

*On mwt school, see u there.*

And he clicks on send. 15 minutes later the bus stops and Ren get off. He looks around, searching for Michelle. But suddenly, he gets hugged from behind and hands cover his eyes. He takes those hands from his eyes and turns around. 'Yo, morning Michelle.' He greets her.

      A girl with golden blonde hair until the middle of her back stands in front of him. Her hair is tied in two ponytails and she have green emerald eyes. She smiles at him. 'Good morning Ren. You're late today.' She says.

'Haha, sorry. I stayed up late last night, so I over slept.' He answers. Sounds of some footsteps came closer to them from behind. A hand slaps Ren fiercely on his shoulder. 'Morn' Ren, Michelle.' Sounds a cheery voice. The 2 of them turn around. They see 2 boys standing in front of them.

      One has short orange red hair, sapphire blue eyes and is taller than Ren. The other boy has short chocolate brown hair, stormy green eyes and is the same length as Ren. 'Morning Kyle, morning Shun.' Michelle greets them brightly. Ren rubs over his shoulder because it's tingling and mumbles something with a pouting look on his face. Kyle puts his arm around his neck and leans on him. Ren has to bend over.

'Come on Ren, don't be so gloomy first thing in the morning.' He says with a smile and messes up Ren's hair.

'Cut it out Kyle. You're not a childanymore.' Ren says and shoves Kyle's arm away. Ren sighs. 'Let's just go to school already.' He says and turns around to walk away in the direction of the school. Michelle, Kyle and Shun follow him while chatting energetically with each other.

Cential Minamory High is the biggest high school of Valiance City and even the island. They have some of the best teachers of the island country and the school is even ranked in the national school grades rankings among the highest. You could even say that it's one of the best elite high schools of the country. Some of the students are even sons or daughters of famous or important people of the city or even the country. The school is surrounded by a 4 meters high fence. The school ground is about 30 by 50 km. At the front of the school ground is de school gate. The main school building has the form of the letter 'U'. On both sides are other buildings, standing apart and attached with a ground hallway and bridge hallways on each floor, one on each side of the main building. All of the buildings exist of 5 floors, inclusive the ground floor. The ground floors are for the school clubs, like archery, athletics, kendo, basketball, gardening club, astronomy club and also for the lockers. The second and third floors are classrooms and the canteen. The fourth and fifth floors are for the libraries and practical classrooms for like, science and home economics, the storage rooms and the teachers' office. The ground, third and fifth floors also have an infirmary room. The backyard has a track field with a football field in the middle of it. T even has a medium-large park with a pond, a standalone library building and 2 dormitories for students not from the main island, for those that live abroad or sometimes exchange students.

Ren, Shun, Kyle and Michelle arrive at the school gate. The bell rings and most of the students walk into the main building, some of them going to the side buildings and other to the direction of the library. 'Hurry up lads! The first bell already rang.' Shouts the gatekeeper. Ren, Michelle, Kyle and Shun also run towards the main building and gather their stuff for their lessons.

      'Well then, see you later juniors.' Says Kyle with a grin and waves at Ren and Michelle. Shun and Kyle walk off to one of the side buildings. Ren gets pissed at Kyle's junior comment and wants to say something, but Michelle pulled him by his arm. 'Let's go already Ren. We're going to be late!' She says. Ren nods and walks with her upstairs to their classroom.

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt Beginsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن