7. Titled: Action Time!

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Ren arrives at school and walks to his locker. He opens it, takes his homework out and put it in his back. He walks on the school field to the gate when his phone begins to ring. He picks up.


'Ren, are you alright?!' Sounds it urgent through the phone. 'Nate? Is that you? Of course, I'm alright.' He answers. 'Good, where are you?' He asks. 'Well, I'm at school. I just wanted to go back home with the bus.'

'Really? So, you didn't get caught up in the explosion?''

'Haha, of course I didn't get caug-... Wait. What do you mean explosion!' He shouts through the phone.

'What, you didn't hear? Just a few minutes back, a bomb went off in the shopping mall. I sent you there to do some groceries, so I thought you got caught in that explosion.' Answers Nate.

'Shit!' Ren swears, and he begins to run.

'What, what's wrong?' Asks Nate.

Ren explains to Nate. 'I forgot my homework at school, but I didn't have enough time to go back to the school and the shopping mall. So, Michelle asked if she could go buy the groceries for me. We would meet again in the bus back on the way home. I didn't think she would be caught up in such a mess.'

'Alright Ren. Don't worry. Just hurry up and come to the mall. We're already here.' Nate tells him. 'Got it. Just wait, I'll be there in a few seconds.' And Ren hangs up.

Hold on Michelle, I'm coming.Ren's eyes begin to turn red. He throws his back on the ground, jumps and disappears.

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now