2. Parachute jumping and fighting a monster

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A boy is sitting in a helicopter. 'We're almost their sir, get ready.' Says the pilot. The boy nods and stands up. The pilot notices that he didn't pick up the parachute. 'We're at the location. Don't you need to take the parachute with you?' He asks. The boy opens the door and wind immediately blows into the helicopter. He looks at the pilot. The pilot gulps. He sees a pair of red eyes with vertical pupils.

      The boy grins. 'I don't need it. Thanks for the flight.' His eyes return to normal, a mixture of ocean and sky blue, and he looks down and sees the barricade of the agents and the demon on the street. He takes a deep breath and jumps out of the helicopter. He dives head first down. The ground and the demon are closing in. When he is 15 meters above the ground, he twirls around so his feet touch the ground first and lands with a big bang on the ground.

Nate sees someone jumping out of the helicopter that has arrived above them. So, he's finally here, that brat.He thinks with a smirk.

The boy lands hard on the ground. Dust and dirt get blown up and a big crack appears on the asphalt where he lands. The boy landed kneeling on one of his knees with a hand on the ground, showing of a hero landing pose. He stands up and wipes the dust and dirt from his clothes. He turns to Nate and smiles.

'Yo, Nate.' He says, waving his hand and walks to him. They bump each other's fist.

'What took you so long to get here, Ren?' Nate asks.

Ren grins like a little child. 'I forgot some things.' He answers. He turns back to the demon. 'Is that him?' He points at the demon.

'Yeah.' Nate answers.

Ren cracks his fingers. 'Right, seems like he really is a level 6. Don't worry, leave this to me.' He says with a serious face.

      He walks towards the demon. The demon notices him and begins to growl louder. Ren can sense the murderous aura and killing intent coming from the demon. He stops 3 meters in front of it. 'Let's begin.' He says daringly. He's eyes changes from blue to Crimson red. His nails grow 1 cm longer. The air around him changes and got heavier.

      Nate turns around and faces the unit. 'Listen up everybody. The real fight will begin now. Everyone makes sure to keep a safe distant and to not get too close to them, or you may wind up in their fight and end up dead. Understood!?' 'Yes, sir!' They shout, and Nate turns back to Ren and the demon.

The air is very tense around them when suddenly the demon tries to hit Ren. The demon is slow, so Ren could dodge his attack. The blow hit the ground and what is left of it is a big hole. For Nate and the unit, Ren disappears for a moment. The next moment, he appears behind the Ogre and smashes his neck with a high kick. The Ogre flies forward and hits a building. 'Tsk, feels as if I'm hitting a rock.' Ren clicks his tongue.

       The Ogre stands up again and is really pissed off. 'Grrraawwwr!' He growls, and sharp pins appears on his back.

He's pissed. Gotta finish this as fast as possible. Thinks Ren and he dashes to the Ogre. The Ogre suddenly fire pins at him.

What! It came as a surprise for him. He jumps and could dodge them just in time. He lands on the ground but suddenly feels a chill behind him. Just when he wants to turn around, the Ogre appears right behind him, lashes out with his claw and hits Ren. Ren flies 10 meter away, hits a car and crashes with the car in a building.

'Ren!' Shouts Nate worried. 'Oi, Ren, you alright!?'

A hand appears out from the rubbish and Ren gets up, pushing aside the broken pieces of the buildings that fell on top of him. Dust on his clothes and in his hair. He has a big scratch from the demon's claw on the left side of his head and a bit of blood slides down from his head. 'Damn that hurts. So, he can be fast.' Ren mumbles and he coughs. After resting for a few seconds, he stretches his back, cracking loses his bones and stands straight up. Ren rubs over his little wound on his head. The moment he takes his hand off his wound, it is gone, healed. The wound has already healed. He looks at the Ogre again. 'Alright, you damn Ogre. Now I'm getting serious.' Ren says and the pupil in his crimson red eyes changes from round to vertical. His nails aren't just longer now, but have also become sharper and harder than diamonds, the teeth in his mouth also become as hard as his nails. He even grows a pair of fangs in the upper corners of his mouth.

      The Ogre growls at him mockingly with a grin, as if it wants to say: Come if you can. Ren sinks a little bit through his knees, in a pose like professional runners, ready to run as hard as they can at the signal of a gun. The wind blows through the street. The ash of a cigarette that is in the mouth of one of the agents falls down. The moment the crumbling ash pieces touches the ground, Ren disappears again. The agents and Nate only see the dust of the fallen rubbish swirling around in the air where Ren stood. The next thing they see is that the Ogre's head gets pushes in the ground with Ren on top of him. The impact is so hard that the asphalt around them breaks. The broken pieces even move up. Ren holds the head of the Ogre down with his right hand. 'This is the end.' He says. He lifts his left arm up and thrust it in one flow through the back of the Ogre and pulls it out with the Ogre's heart in his hand.

'Rraaaaawwwrrrrr!!!' The Ogre screams out. He coughs and coughs. Black blood flows out of his mouth and on the back of his wound. 'Riston at friß.' Ren says in an echoing voice and with that, Ren crushes the heart in his hand. Cracks appear on the body of the Ogre. He screams it out of pain. quickly, the cracks spread over his whole body and, in the end, the body breaks into shining, white, pieces that looks like shattered glass. And those pieces dissolve into thin air. The Ogre's blood also disappears.

Ren wipes the dust of his clothes.

'Good work, Ren.'

Ren looks up from his clothes. Nate walks to him. He grabs Ren's right shoulder.

'Nate what abou-.' But before Ren could finish his sentence, Nate pulls Ren to his chest and messes up Ren's hair. 'Haha, good work lad.'

'Hé, stop it Nate.' Ren says, and he pushes Nate's hand away. 'Rather than what I did, what about the mess here.' Asks Ren and he points around them where the damages were. 'Don't worry about that. Shun has already called the mayor of this city to cover it up.' He answers.

'Okay.' Ren mumbles. He yawns.

'What, you already tired Ren?' Asks Nate.

'Yeah, I've been used to the sleeping rhythm of humans, so I'm a bit tired.' Ren turns around and walks away. 'Don't come home to late Nate.' Ren shouts over his back.

'Yes, yes, I finish things up here and then I'll go home as well.' Nate answers. Ren nods and jumps on the roofs in the directions of his home. Nate turns around and claps in his hands. 'Alright guys, you all know what to do so let's hurry and go before the citizens wake up.'

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now