19. A rivalry between men?

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The village was bigger than expected and rumours about Ren and his companions, coming to help the people of the village with their demonic problem, has already been going around the village like a fire. Michelle can see some people who look livelier than when they first entered the village. But somehow, she also feels some gazes that felt distrusting. She looks around and sees the same group of armed men standing close to each other with their backs turned, whispering and throwing glances at them. Michelle noticed the man that seems to be their leader glaring at them. She gulps and enters the house. 

      They go upstairs and stop by the last two rooms at the end of the hall. 'These are your rooms and here are the keys. My room is by the stairs so if you need anything, you can always knock. I will be making dinner and call you if it is ready. Does any of you have some kind of allergy?' Felicie asks.

'No one has.' Ren answers. Felicie nods and turns around to leave.

'Miss Felicie, thank you for your hospitality.' Michelle says. Felicie turns around, nods with a smile and goes downstairs.

      'Alright then. Ren, Shun, here is your key for the room.' Kyle says and push the key he got from Felicie in Ren's hands. Ren looks at the key and then at Kyle.

'Where do you sleep?' He asks. Kyle grins and lays his arm around Michelle's shoulders.

'Of course, I'm going to sleep with Michelle here. Someone has to protect her if the unidentified demon shows up right?' He says, showing a slick grin to Michelle. Michelle laughs a bit dull at Kyle's joke and sees an angry vein pop up at Ren's temple. Ren slams the key into the keyhole, unlocks it, slams the door open and pulls Kyle from Michelle and throws him in the open room.

'Woah, calm down Ren, it was just a joke.' Kyle says.

'You're grounded.' Ren says with a cold voice and slams the door shut. Shun sighs.

'We just arrived at the village and it seems like Kyle already made trouble for Ren. Anyways, Michelle just go into your room and rest. We see what we can do tomorrow. It's already late.' Shun says and unlocks Michelle's room. He opens their room where Kyle was just locked in and pulls Ren into the room and closes it.

'Well, I guess I go to sleep then.' Michelle says to herself a bit confused.

As day break appears, the streets of the village are filled with many people working and doing groceries. The team has split into two groups to go out into the village and gather information. As the sun slowly reaches up high in the sky, indicating that it is noon, the group come together at an old-fashioned pavement café. 'From what we gather, there isn't much we can go on.' Ren sighs. Shun nods. 

'Yeah, they all told us the same thing Astroff told us. Those that went gathering herbs heard a big splash in the lake a few weeks ago. The only difference is that they notice the dark energy emitting from the lake.' Shun explains. The group sighs. Michelle takes a sip form her glass of orange juice. In the corner of her eye, she sees a little girl looking at them. Michelle puts down her glass and stands up.

'I'm going to ask around a little longer.' She told the boys as she walks off to the little girl.

      The girl was startled as Michelle approaches her. She wanted to run away but Michelle talks to her nicely, so she wouldn't be scared of her. 'Don't worry, I won't hurt you. What is your name little girl?' Michelle asks, sticking out a hand and showing a soft smile. The girl looks hesitatingly at the stretched-out hand but shakes it.

'My name is Kuniza miss.' She answers shyly. Michelle crouches on her knees. 'Kuniza, what a nice name. My name is Michelle. Tell me Kuniza, do you know something about the creature that is hiding in the woods?' Michelle asks her nicely. Kuniza averted her eyes, hesitating if she should tell Michelle or not. As she opens her mouth to say something, an angry male voice shouted at them behind the little girl.


      Startled she turns her head. 'Mister Brosé.' She flapped out in surprise. Michelle also looks up at the man. Michelle recognizes him as the leader of the men who wielded a weapon when they first came into the village. He is tall, muscular and had some scars on his lower arms. They seem to be recently because there is still some crust on the scars. And he looks angry and intimidating.

'What did we tell you. Do not talk to those strangers. Leave that to the adults.' He says with a strict voice. Kuniza looked down and grabs her arm tightly. She nods. 'Good. Then let's go.' The man wants to grab her arm to drag her away from Michelle, but she sticks her arm out before he could.

'Please wait mister Brosé. I only wanted to know if Kuniza knows something that might help us catch the creature that is lurking around in the woods.' Michelle says. The man glances at her furiously.

'Listen little girl. I only let you people stay here because our elder personally asked for your help when those 'investigators' stumbled on our village, and I respect his wishes. But if it was me, I would have chased you guys out the moment you stepped foot inside this village. Our problems are ours to solve and yours are yours. We will do anything to hunt down this monster on our own.' He hisses angry but with self-control at her.

'Then I hope that nothing will happen to you mister Brosé.' Sounds Ren's voice behind Michelle. She turns around and sees Ren with a glass of orange juice in his hand while sipping on a straw, looking nonchalant at the situation. Both men were glaring into each other's eyes, as if they were daring each other to do something. after a whole minute, Brosé went his eyes off, clicking his tongue. 'Tsk, do what you want.' He says and drags Kuniza off with him to the houses of the villagers.

'Geez, what's wrong with him? We only want to help them.' Michelle pouts. Ren shrugs his shoulders, chewing on his straw.

'Can't be helped. Even if we help with good intentions, not everyone except our help that easy.' He answers.

'Haaaahhh, fine whatever. Let's continue, maybe we should investigate the forest next?' Michelle sighs and ponders as she walks away, back to the pavement café. Ren glances at the woods, his eyes flashing red for a split second before following Michelle back.

Deeper in the forest, birds were pecking on the ground before they flew up, startled as the bushes rustled and a pair of yellow green eyes glowed in between the leaves and a chilling low howl sounds through the forest.

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now