4. A lazy day at the office? Nah, thanks

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16:37 p.m. People in uniforms or suits are busy working at their desk, talking on the phone or busy walking across the department with all kinds of papers, documents or boxes in their hands.

      'Ha~.' Nate sighs. He puts the office phone down and leans back in his chair and puts his legs crossed on his desk in his office. 'Finally, that's also taken care off. But seriously, when I get home, I should have a talk with Ren about how he needs to hold back when fighting demons. We could cover it with a story about a car accident or something like that, but the media is too tiring to take care off.' Nate mumbles. He looks up at the ceiling. I'm so damn tired. There isn't much work to do now, maybe I should take a little nap.He thinks. He slowly closes his eyelids.

      The sound of fast footsteps closing in on his office are getting louder when suddenly the door slams open. 'Naaate, we've got a problem!' Shouts a young man. Nate falls from his char because of the sudden noise. 'Ow, ow, ow, ow, is that you Jack? Don't scare me like that! Because of you, I fell out of my chair and now my ass hurts.' He looks up and sees a young man in the 20 standing in the opening of the door. He is a little smaller than Nate and has, just like Nate, brown hair and brown eyes, but in a lighter colour. He's clothed in a suit, unlike Nate who has just casual clothes on.

      Jack's face looks angry. Without a word, he slams the door close and walks with fast passes to Nate. He grabs Nate by his collar and pulls Nate's face close to his. 'Listen Nate, I know you may be tired, but it's not an excuse to skip work and go nap in your office!' He shouts. While Jack was shouting, Nate has covered his ears.

'Alright, alright, I get it, so let go of my collar, I'm suffocating. Your face is so close to mine that I have to bend back, and if I have to bend more back, my back will snap.'

Jack sighs and let go of Nate's collar. He turns around, walks to the door and opens it.

'So, what was the problem you spoke about before you almost suffocated me Jack?' Nate asks. Jack picks up some papers he dropped when he came running to Nate. He reads out loud what was on the paper.

'Chief Worthwhile wants to see us at the Valey City Bank. It seems like there were some unidentified people who tried to rob a bank.'

Nate grabs his coat that was lying on a chair and puts it on. 'Alright, let's go Jack.'

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now