8. R.I.P the glass windows

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Red and blue lights are shining on the top of the police cars. A blockade of police cars has surrounded the shopping mall. The police chief is standing with a megaphone in his hand. 'Drop your guns, release the hostages and walk with your hands above your heads outside. Do that and we won't take dramatic measures.' He says and quickly duck behind the police car where he stands behind. One of the masked men shoots at them and quickly hides under a window of the shopping mall again. The police chief glances at the entrance.

'Damn it.' He mumbles.

      Nate is looking on a bit further away. He hears a sound behind him and turns around. Ren is leaning on his knees, heavily breathing. 'I-I'm here now Nate. So, what's the situation? Argh... I'm so out of shape.' He breaths heavily. 'Come with me.' Nate responds shortly and walks to the police chief. Ren hurries after him. Nate taps the police chief on his shoulder. He turns around.

'Nate, and? Where is the help you called in?' He asks. Nate points at Ren.

'It's him.' He answers.

The chief looks surprised. 'This kid?' He asks. Nate nods.

The chief sighs and scratches his head. 'Whatever, you're my best consultant so I trust you in this.' He says and turns to Ren. He sticks out a hand to him.

Ren grabs his hand. 'Nice to meet you sir, my name is Ren.' He introduces himself.

'Nice to meet you too, boy. I'm Chris Worthwhile. The situation is pretty dire, so I explain it briefly. The group of masked men has taken a group of citizens hostage in the mall. Woman, old man and children. We can't do anything risky. That's where you come in I guess.' He Explains as he turns back to face the mall. Ren and Nate come standing next to him.

Ren turns to him. 'Did you just say that your name was Worthwhile?' He asks. The chief turns his head to look at him.

'Yes, is there a problem with that?' He asks.

'No, just that I'm wondering if you have a daughter called Michelle.' The eyes of the chief widen a little. 'Why are you asking that, boy?' He asks with a hidden hint of concern in his voice.

      Ren wends his head off to look around their surroundings. He sees a tall building next to the shopping mall and walks to the entrance of that building. Nate and Worthwhile quickly follows him.

'If you've got a daughter named Michelle, then we have to hurry saving the hostages, because your daughter might be among them.' He answers. Worthwhile stops in his tracks. 'What did you say!?' But before he could ask more, Nate and Ren already entered a building.

      They walk up until the tenth floor. 'Nate, can you order those people to leave their office?' He asks Nate as he points his finger to a no-walled office, the windows facing the upper floors of the mall. Nate's face showed that he wanted to ask why, but instead of asking Ren knowing that they have to act fast, he walks into the office and shows the people in the office his badge.

'Everyone out please, this office is now in police use to rescue the hostages of the mall.' He states. The people look surprised for a moment but gathered their stuff and exited the office. Ren steps inside.

'So, Ren, office cleared. What now.' Nate asks him while looking around to see what use Ren would see in this room to save the people. Ren looks out of the window.

'I'm gonna jump into the mall.' And he walks back to the door.

'Okay, you're going to jump in the mall. What are you going to d-. Wait,' And he turns around to Ren. 'did you just say 'jump' into the ma-.' But before he finished, Ren runs and jumps through the window. The glass shatters to pieces and Nate has to cover himself from the shattered glass.

      People below, hear the noise and look up. They see someone jumping from the high building into the mall and scream. Even the chief sees it. 'What the hell are they thinking!' He shouts. Ren reaches the mall and falls through the window. Again, another window glass got shattered to pieces. Nate runs to the broken window and looks outside. He could see Ren getting up and running further.

'You idiot kid!' He shouts. He looks down and sees the surprised faces of the people and then he laughs out loud. 'He really is a crazy one.' He sees a red-faced police chief mouthing: 'The window's bill will be taken from your pay and you'll be doing overwork!!!'

Nate sighs. 'I have to do overtime again?'

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now