I threw my cigarette and ran back to the plane.

I could see that all the boys made themselves at home.

Ashton and Jace sat in the far back, playing cards or something.

Adam and Jordan fell asleep right away being the type that was literally born tired. That leaves five unattended seats, so I made my way towards the back of the plane, careful not to make it obvious.

All the seats seemed perfectly fine, except the final one. There was a bump which clearly meant that there was someone under there.

Shaking my head, I yanked the blanket and rest assured, these two hard headed girls were both crouching, acting like they weren't just caught red-handed.

I stood there, tapping my foot impatiently, waiting for them to notice my presence.

"Hey Reena?" Whispered Brenda a little too loudly.

"Uh yeah Brenda?" 

"I think we've been made." She deduced.

"You think?" Replied Reena, getting up and dusting her clothes.

"What the hell were you two thinking?!" I screamed out of anger and pure rage.

"Why the hell are you yelling at me?! She's my friend more than she is yours you moron!" Replied Brenda, her eyes carrying the anger of an eternity. 

"Chill Brenda." Tried Sabrina, but the stubborn girl wouldn't have any of it.

"How did you even get on this plane?! How did you even......Ross!" I knew it. The idiot could never keep his mouth shut even if his entire existence depended on it.

"Yeah? Oh! Hey ladies, glad you could join our little getaway." He said, smiling like the moron that he is. He is so in love with her, he would do anything for her.

"You knew about this? Why did you give them the address? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm not really sure if you've noticed but Brenda kind of scares me a little more than you do. So it was either I give her the address or she makes sure I never have babies my entire life. The choice was pretty easy really." He shrugged his shoulders and went on as if he just invited them over for a back-to-school slumber party

I can't believe this. What is wrong with everyone?

"So I don't give a single damn what you say Mr. Hotshot, but I'm coming whether you like it or not. That girl is my friend and my sister and I will do everything in my power to bring her back." She hissed, starting a starring contest.

"I can't believe this. What do you even know about anything Miss. Oh Em Gee I love Pink! You're still afraid of inse...."

Before I even had the chance to finish my sentence, something happened. 

I don't know what it was. I don't know how fast it happened. But it happened. I was on the floor, my butt facing the sky and my legs in a weird, extremely uncomfortable position.

I could barely make out what she was saying but I knew that they were set on tagging along and nothing I could ever say would get them to change their mind. What the hell is wrong with girls these days? Why can't they be normal and just stay home like normal people do.

"But Alexis has no choice." Interrupted that annoying inner voice that thinks its always right.

I had to admit it though, the girl had no choice. It's not her fault that she's in the mess she currently is in.

I knew that trying to reason with her wouldn't result in anything good.

So I let them tag along.

The Girl They Never NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now