Calm Down

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I nodded and got some water for him, i looked at Rebecca. "So you pissed off for a while then came back with this guy?" I pointed.

"I was going to tell you sooner." She says.

"Yeah right." I chuckle. "So what else do you want?" I drink from my cup.

"Nothing, can you stop holding a grudge?" Rebecca sighs.

"So Blaze tell me about yourself." I look at Blaze.

"I don't think we have time for this." Rebecca says.

"Shut up Rebecca!" Blaze and myself say at the same time. "Okay that was weird." I say.

"It's true though, I have work in a hour." Blaze says.

"I've got a car to work on actually." I smirk, "its been really cool to meet you Blaze." I shake hands with Blaze.

They left and I continued to work on my car. I see a truck pull up in my driveway then Jasons car parks near the shed. Jason gets out of the car as a few people got it of the truck and his car. "Hey Faith." Jason looks at me.

I walk out of the shed with grease all over me. "Hey Jas, who are these people?" I point, the people aren't wearing uniforms like other moving company's.

"My friends, they are helping me move." Jason says.

"Thats nice of them, I'll clean up and help, just put your boxes or whatever in the living room." I say. I've trained Willow to stay by me while working on my car.

"You don't need to help." Jason smiles.

I know that for some people it takes a while for the boyfriend or girlfriend to move in together but at this point i don't care. "I'm going to help, I'm not completely helpless." I roll my eyes.

Jason laughs, "alright Faith, go get cleaned up." Jason says.

I go into my room with Willow following behind. I have a shower and dressed before leaving the bathroom. "Come on Willow." I say.
*Faith clothes*

I help everyone with the boxes and bags

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I help everyone with the boxes and bags. For one guy he definitely has a lot of stuff. "Just a few more." Jasons friends shouted.

"I'll get this one." I look at a weird looking suit case.

"No! Its okay, i got it." Jason say loudly.

"Okay calm down." I walk about from the suit case.

We got everything inside the house then Jasons friends left, me and Jason decided to take Willow out for a walk for her first time. "Hey there sexy." A random guys checks me out.

"You mean my boyfriend?" I chuckle.

The guy looks at me and smirks, "no baby, I'm talking about your cute ass." He slaps my ass.

Willow barks, Jason punched the guy in the face. "Piss off!" Jason yells.

The guy looks way more stronger than Jason, "you little fuck!" The guy goes to punch Jason but to my luck i got in the way.

I faced the guy and kicked him in the balls. He falls to the ground in pain, Jason starts kicking the shit out of him. "Jas!" I pull Jason away from the man.

I picked Willow up and we basically ran home. We enter the house, "that piece of shit!" Jason hits his hand on the wall in the living room.

I place Willow down then took the leash off or whatever. "Jason you went to far! The guy only slapped my ass." I'm no better than Jason.

"He slapped your ass! Faith i can't let fuckheads do shit to my lady!" Jason wraps his arms around me.

I groaned, "fine!" I hug him, "lets get you to bed." I move from him.

We left to the bedroom as the moonlight shines through the windows. I put the blinds down then got dressed as Jason did the same. We got into the bed with Willow chilling next to me. "Night."Jason falls asleep so does Willow.

I couldn't sleep so I decided to get up and go downstairs. I see the suit case Jason didn't want me to touch. "A little look won't hurt anyone." I know this is rude but I'm wondering whats inside the case. I open it to see real guns and real grenades, i know one of Donnas boyfriends has a gun but I actually have guns and grenades in my fucking house. I cuffed my mouth with my hand and sat on the cold ground. "Jason what have you gotten yourself into?" I move my hand then closed the suit case carefully and walked upstairs.

I get into bed and stayed awake for what seemed like hours but really was 20 minutes before i fell asleep. "Faith?" Jasons calming voice wakes me from my sleep.

I face wherever his voice is coming from, "Yes Jason?" I yawned.

"Isn't today your last day before going to work tomorrow?" Jason asked.

"Yes sadly." I groan, "I'm taking Willow with me." Willow jumps on me. "Oh my god your heavy!" I hug Willow.

Jason chuckles in the background. I look at him and smiled, "since i work with you, I'll make sure Willow stays with you or me." Jason smiles.

"Thank you." I get out of bed and dressed myself. My phone starts ringing so i answer it, "What do you want?" I spit.

"I forgot something and since i want to make up for the times of being away, i want to stay and chat." I sometimes wonder if I'm being to mean to the woman that gave birth to me.

"Sure come over today and meet my boyfriend." I roll my eyes, "Yeah Rebecca if you try anything thats it, and thats when your life ends." I say before hanging up.

"Rebecca is a very white name." Jason laughs as i do the same.

"A white bitch name, anyway i need to feed Willow." I say as both Jason and Willow follow me downstairs. I feed Willow and Jason then myself, after the morning chores and shit I decided to wait until Rebecca knocks on the front door.

"Are you nervous?" Jason looks at me.

"No I'm just getting myself ready to kill." I smirk.

The door bell rings so i opened the front door and saw Rebecca. I allow her in the house then gave her a drink, "This must be the boyfriend." She holds her hand out.

Jason shakes it, "I'm Jason." He says, "I'll take Willow out for moment." Jason walks away with Willow.

I turned my back and heard some clicking as if someone is stirring a teaspoon in a cup. I looked at Rebecca sitting there innocently. I drink from my drink, after about a minute or two i start feeling dizzy, "Faith you should sit down." Rebecca stands.

I drop my glass cup and my vision is blurry. "What the fuck?" I say as if I'm drunk.

*Jason Pov*
Willow starts barking like crazy at the back door, i open it as she runs inside. I follow her in the kitchen to see a smashed cup so i picked Willow up so she wouldn't be harmed by the glass. "What happened?" I questioned.

"Sorry Jason, Faith got scared." Rebecca smirks. "I'll be off now." She walks away.

I cleaned the glass then me and Willow looked around the entire house for Faith, "Maybe i should call her?" I pick up my phone and called Faith but went straight to voicemail.

"Jason whats with all the noise?" Zane enters the living room with me.

"Faith isn't here and she isn't picking up her phone." I look at him.

"This can't be good." Zanes eyes widen.

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The main bedroom up top is Zane and Graces! Anyway I'll catch you all in the next chapter!! Peace out everybody!!! Bye bye!!!!

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