Chapter 27

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    I have absolutely no idea what to do. Tears flooded my cheeks in the most distracting manner. They clouded my vision, and nearly made me misjudge my footing. I need to calm down but how can I when I just saw my husband nearly seduce some wench for her heirlooms?! It doesn't matter what it's for, it's still wrong. I got the hell out of there and I never stopped until I got back to I muggle England. With shaky hands I wiped away my tears. I stopped the stroller in an isolated part of the avenue and peered inside of my old fashioned stroller. Scarlett and Raven were sleeping peacefully so unaware of the havoc around them.

I feel like such a mess. I was trying to strive for normality when I should've known all along that this is what it would be like for us. I feel so alone, like I have nothing. I know I have my twins but still I feel like something is missing. Tom and I have such an odd relationship, it doesn't even seem real half the time. Stolen kisses and flirtatious glances make up this situation we are supposed to call a marriage. I want more than this, more than just sitting at home with my kids waiting for Tom to grace us with his presence. Sometimes I feel like going about this without Tom would be easier, less heart break and strife would be ideal.

I feel sick to my stomach in pure emotion. Worry, anger, sadness, all in an unhealthy bind in my chest. I feel like my head is going to explode. All I want is a normal life. It took a couple moments and few odd stares for me to come back to my senses and take notice to the open wound on my arm. Tom can't know I followed him today. He can't know that I know of any of his shenanigans, it makes it easy to catch him. I cradled my arm to my chest examining it. This does not look good.

I don't want to go back to the orphanage, and I don't know if I can face Tom today. Though I want to, I can't run away from my problem; especially when the problem is my husband. Sometimes I just daydream about taking my chances as a single parent. It all sounds fine and dandy until this yearning in my heart has me having second thoughts. I'm just so angry I could kill someone. I hissed in pain as I grabbed a baby blanket from the stroller and tied it around my injured arm. Things just seemed so much easier at Hogwarts.

Am I not good enough to keep Tom home, or to keep him happy? Am I not enough to keep him from straying? I bit my lip as I looked into the mirror back at our room at the orphanage. I had no choice but to come back. I have no family or friends to run to, and I don't have a dollar to my name. The money I had before was the pocket change of Tom's so called vault. I don't know where he keeps whatever money he's made and it never occurred to me to care as much as I do now. I had trusted he was keeping it safe and adding to it. I didn't want to touch it or ask about it. I was a fool.

I pulled down my dress and stared at my chest in the mirror. My hands pushed my breasts together and I watched as it gave the appearance of a larger bust. I think I might know a way to keep Tom home or to at least give him some initiative. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. A sly smile made its way to my lips as I unzipped my dress leaving me in a silk slip. Maybe I'll show him what a real woman looks like.

My hands trembled as I reached for the record player placing the needle on a record. I bit my lip as the music started playing. My hips slowly started swaying as I roughed up my blonde curls a bit. I just want to feel good again, to feel sexy. I started singing along to the lyrics of the song as I grabbed a tube of red lipstick from my end table. I slowly applied it and stepped back to look in the mirror. I cried out in frustration as I grew to hate my reflection. This loose old lady slip isn't sexy. Gosh am I stupid for doing this? I tried to catch my breath as I wandered over to the closet. "I can do this, I can do this," I muttered as I pulled out baby pink silk undergarments. I want to give Tom something he's never experienced, something that matters. I want to show my devotion to him, and to gain a weapon against him. That's besides the point. This is supposed to be beautiful!

I find my husband basically cheating on me and now I'm planing on doing the hippity dippity with him? Where in the bloody hell did I gain this logic? Isn't this a reward? He doesn't deserve to be rewarded, he deserves to be hit repeatedly with a stick. I just want to let him know I'm here for him and we are official, we are two halves of a whole. I'm going out of my mind. He'll have no reason to stray once he understands my true feelings right? I looked in the mirror with a scowl as the high waisted panties and matching bra started to make me feel insecure.

How are these things sexy? I feel like I'm wearing one of the kids diapers

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How are these things sexy? I feel like I'm wearing one of the kids diapers. I turned to look at my backside in the mirror and then again to look at my front. I sighed and quickly moved to my dressing table to apply some good smelling lotion and perfume. I looked into the mirror one more time before wrinkling my nose. "No, no, no this is just not me," I said as I went to change. Suddenly I stopped in my tracks and turned back to the mirror. Maybe this is okay, or maybe it can be a bit better if I used some embellishments from the future.

"These eyes," I began to sing to the song. I can do this. Maybe I can get just a little sexier, but then a thought struck my mind. How could I be so daft? I really am going out of my mind. I quickly turned on my heels to face the sleeping infants in their cribs. Now I just have to find a place to hide these little ones. As I began to think about the impossible task, the door knob started to wiggle from behind me. I'm in my intimates!
Oh goodness.....


Bro what's coming next? What do you want to come next? Is this weird? don't forget to leave me a comment, I'm very lonely 😂.

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