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Rita’s defense against the evidence.
Rita roars, “All that you are saying is nothing but a big lie. You don’t even have a real evidence. All that you are presenting is merely a theory.” Rita smirks.

William's replies, “No you are wrong. If you remember, a surveyor came to your parlor, it was me.” Rita turned pale and anxious. She was trapped into a corner.

William and Rodney moves towards the exit. Rodney walks closer and nearer to Jared. He calmly places his hand on Jared's shoulder and looks back towards Rita. He then walks out of the door. William and Rodney drives back to the police station.

Rodney’s thinks over the incidence. “Is she really the killer?” Rodney asks. “What do you think?” William replies. 'Whatever the case, I really don’t care if she is a killer or not. You have done just the right thing for me. Before moving out of the house I did just the right thing. Now you just watch how I use this opportunity and how I use her.’ Rodney thinks in his mind carrying a smirk on his face.

Back in the house, Ian walks in his room. Wolf is still annoyed and staring at Rita. Jared grabs Rita's arm and takes her in their room. Anna moves close to Wolf and rubs his shoulder warming him up. Anna says, “Don’t worry everything will be alright.” Wolf replies, “Shut up! and get lost!”

Anna, “Wolf, please don’t talk to me like that.” Wolf stands up and pushed her hand away from his shoulder, walking away from her into his room. Anna stands there with her tearful eyes and scared of losing him.

Jared said, “What is all this mess Rita?” Rita replied, “I did nothing.” Jared is not convinced by her explain “You are done for. Tomorrow he will put you behind the bars.” Rita said, “what are you saying, don’t you care? Do something?” Jared wonders around the room, “I can’t do anything. You have to go.” Rita is frustrated by his answer, “I know, you want to get rid of me. You asshole!” Jared stops and take a seat, “No baby!” he tries to exclaim. Rita said, “I know how to get out” she walks away Jared follows her, “What are you going to do?” she does not reply. She walks out of the house. Jared follows but she shuts the front door on his face and goes away.

Rodney is home alone at night when the bell rings. “Who is it now last in the night?” he walks to open the door. He opens to find to his surprise Rita standing in front of door. “Look at that who I got to company me tonight.” She stands there anxiously with both hands crossed, “Can I come in?”

They both take a seat on the sofa. “Why are you here?” He questioned. “You know what happened” she replied Rodney nodes in agreement. “So what do you want from me?” he questioned her again.

“Look just get me out of the mess. I request you, please!” She begged him.

“So you want me to rescue you. You very well know I won’t do it for free. Present your offer.” He exclaimed.

“Whatever you say. Just get me out of the mess.” She requested. Jared rubs his cheek and flashed a wide smirk. “So then I will get you out but you have to do something for me” he said. She quickly asked, “What I will do it for you ?”

“One night with me. Look I am living alone from the last 7 days. I will love to have you here” he answered. She is caught off guard. 'What should I do I need to get out of this mess. Jared is so useless. I got no other idea’ she is interrupted by Rodney.

“So what is your answer yes or no?” he asked. She just nodes in agreement with out uttering a word. He said, “very well then. Let’s go my lady inside the bedroom.” They both move into the bedroom as Rodney moves in with a wide smirk on his face and staring at her butt as he walks with his craving eyes.

Jared at home speaks on his phone with wide smile and a wave of relief overcome his face. He disconnect the phone and then opens up the phone to pull out the Sim card. “It done at last now to dispose this off. What to do with the phone? Throw it in the lake. Well done.”

Next morning Rita walks out of the Rodney’s house and opens her car and seats inside. She starts the car and drives ruthlessly through the road. She soon joins the two way road with enough traffic as she drives her eyes are filled with tears 'Hope Rodney does his work as per our contract' she puts the car in next gear and picks up the speed driving like a racer through the traffic.

As she drives Suddenly from a small street road a truck comes in her path right at her. She crashes her car in the truck causing a thunderous noise and very big accident on the road. Soon enough the ambulance and police arrived at the accident scene.

****** AUTHOR'S NOTE ******

Thank you for staying. I Hope you are enjoying.


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